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Undeniable, glaringly obvious facts about the US, Russia & Syria that people need to get into their heads

Russia's President Valdimir Putin (L) looks at Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron and U.S. President Barack Obama during a family photo at the G8 Summit, at Lough Erne, near Enniskillen, in Northern Ireland June 18, 2013. REUTERS/Yves Herman (NORTHERN IRELAND - Tags: POLITICS) - RTX10S1Z

1. The democratically-elected government of Syria invited Russia to help them fight ISIS and related terrorist groups. This is in accordance with international law (host-state consent, intervention by invitation). The United States was never invited by the Syrian government to intervene.

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Undeniable facts about the , & that people need to get into their heads

2. There are no moderate rebels fighting against the government of Syria. The moderate opposition is in the parliament. The armed opposition outside the parliament that’s attempting to overthrow the government are terrorists. These so-called “moderate” rebels are linked with well-known terrorist groups such as ISIS and al-Nusra, and are responsible for handing US weapons over to ISIS. It is simply a matter of playing with words to speak of moderate rebels or relatively moderate rebels or reconcilables as Former CIA Director and CENTCOM Commander General David Petraeus recently put it. The reconcilable, relatively moderate Syrian rebels are doing the same things and pose the same threat to civilization that ISIS, ISIL, or IS do.

Can we get over this “moderate Syrian rebels” myth, for crying out loud? There is no “moderate” opposition running around with machine guns and shooting at people, even if the people they’re shooting at are all military and police. What would you call, say, “moderate” Tea Party rebels (and this is totally hypothetical) trying to remove Obama from office through an armed uprising? Would you call that a “legitimate” and “pro-democracy” moderate opposition? And what would you call it if another country actively supported and funded it? Would it matter to you if you approved of President Obama’s activities or not?

Bashar al-Assad: Do you have military opposition in the United States? Would you accept it? You wouldn’t!

3. Bashar al-Assad (the democratically-elected leader of Syria) has never attacked and has never even threatened to attack the United States.

Assad has warned of blowback against the West if they attack Syria, but he has never threatened the United States or the NATO allies. Newspapers such as The Guardian try to spin his warnings into direct threats:

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has hinted at terrorist reprisals against western interests in the event of a US strike against his country, saying he could not rule out that chemical weapons might be used.

If you read his actual statements, it becomes clear that Assad is simply warning of repercussions in the region (or blowback) as many western analysts have also said:

Assad: “If you strike somewhere, you have to expect repercussions somewhere else. It may take different forms, direct and indirect. Direct when governments want to retaliate, and indirect when you are going to have instability and the spread of terrorism over the region that will influence the west directly.”

Asked if chemical warfare could be one repercussion, Assad added: “That depends if the rebels or the terrorists in this region or any other group have it. It could happen. You are going to pay the price if you are not wise with dealing with terrorists.”

What he is saying is factual and based on historical precedent – if you attack Syria, you will unleash forces that neither I (Assad) nor you (the West) can predict or control. This is actually a friendly warning and nothing more.

US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter has also made the same type of warning to Russia for being involved in Syria, but the Western media do not attempt to spin this into a direct threat.

4. The refugee crisis in Europe was caused by ISIS and their allies, the “moderate” Syrian rebels, not Assad.

5. The regime-change policies of the United States have ended in catastrophe in every case.

6. “Humanitarian intervention” means war. This is doublespeak.

“Police actions” are wars. The Vietnam “conflict” or “police action” was a war, and it doesn’t matter what words are used to designate it.

“Kinetic military actions with no boots on the ground” are wars. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was a kinetic military action with no boots on the ground, and it was indeed an act of war.

This also applies to the following (real) examples: limited operations; time-limited, scope-limited military action; a very limited operation that is geared to save lives; an unbelievably small military action; a response to violations of a norm; surge; overseas contingency operation; humanitarian mission; nation-building mission; action limited in duration and scope; a signal; the authorized use of force; a very limited, very targeted, short-term effort; putting enablers on the ground.

7. The US and UK governments lied about Saddam Hussein having nuclear weapons. They invaded Iraq and overthrew his government. The US, UK, and France lied about Muammar Gaddafi killing peaceful protesters and overthew his government. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton then gloated over his brutal death. The US and UK lied about Assad using chemical weapons on his own supporters. They’ve been obsessed with overthrowing his government ever since.

8. If pro-American, anti-Russia propaganda is OK, then so is Russian propaganda. The difference is that the US media does it on a much larger scale with a lot more money and bigger audiences, and relies more on lies (eg. Saddam’s nuclear weapons), deception, doublespeak (eg. kinetic military actions), twisted logic, blatant hypocrisy (eg. accusing Russia of bombing “moderate” rebels in Syria at the same time the US bombed a hospital in Afghanistan), constantly claiming to be unbiased (eg. Fox News), and faked evidence (eg. the September Dossier).

A bias in reporting the news will always be present – it can’t be avoided. In telling any story, decisions have to be made about what to leave in and what to leave out. It is impossible to present every angle to a story and to do so in an entirely neutral way. Nor is this necessarily a bad thing. Who, for example, would care to see the History Channel give a “fair and balanced” or unbiased account of Nazi Germany, giving equal time and weight to both the pro- and anti-Nazi sides?

Nearly the entire US media tells the US side (or the Pentagon side) while bashing Putin at every opportunity. Why shouldn’t Russia be allowed to tell their side of the story? Why is it always propaganda when they do it, and “investigative journalism” when we do it?

9. Russian news outlets RT and Sputnik are state-funded. So is the BBC. In shaping public opinion against the Assad government and their supposed war crimes against the Syrian people, the BBC and other news outlets have relied heavily upon “evidence” gathered from “experts” such as Eliot Higgins (an unemployed office worker with no training in weapons) and his Brown Moses blog. There is also the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (according to Wikipedia: cited by virtually every western news outlet since the beginning of the uprising), which is run by Rami Abdulrahman (a shop owner in Coventry, England) from his home.

10. Russia (unprovoked) poses no threat to American national security – on the contrary, they are vital partners in the national security of the United States. Russia has neither attacked nor even threatened to attack the United States or Europe.

On September 11, 2001, Vladimir Putin was the first international leader to call President George Bush to express his sympathy and to offer the support of Russia in the war on terror. When the US was preparing to launch the invasion of Afghanistan, Putin said, “Russia will continue to provide intelligence information we have collected on the infrastructure, location and training of international terrorists.” He also allowed and coordinated for the US the use of former Soviet military bases in central Asia. Until 2015, Russia generously gave the US and NATO allies access to Afghanistan through a vital transit route for military and non-lethal supplies.

On two occasions, Russian authorities warned the US government about the Tsarnaev brothers who were accused of carrying out the Boston Marathon bombings.

When the US and UK governments were planning a lunatic invasion of Syria over the made-up story of Assad gassing his own people, it was not Obama (the Nobel Peace Prize winner) who prevented the US from leaping into yet another Iraq war disaster, it was Putin and Lavrov who gave Obama a way of getting out of his foolish “red line” promise. It was Putin and Lavrov who saved American and British kids from getting plunged into the chaos of the Syrian Civil War.

And now Russia is joining Assad in the fight against ISIS in Syria. This means that Russian soldiers are now putting their lives at risk instead of Americans. Isn’t this worth our gratitude?

11. Putin never said that he wants to bring back the Soviet Union. Here’s what he said:

“Above all, we should acknowledge that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. As for the Russian nation, it became a genuine drama. Tens of millions of our co-citizens and co-patriots found themselves outside Russian territory. Moreover, the epidemic of disintegration infected Russia itself.”

“Anyone who doesn’t regret the passing of the Soviet Union has no heart. Anyone who wants it restored has no brains.”

12. Syria, Ukraine, and Crimea are all of vital national security interest to Russia. Russia has close ties to Assad and has a naval base in Syria, as well as in Crimea. The United States may have some security or economic interests in Syria, but is currently unwelcomed there. The United States has countless military bases all over the world. Ukraine and Crimea represent no national security interests for the United States.

13. The US strategy in Syria has been muddle-headed (at best) and doomed to failure from the beginning. This is due in large part to the unwillingness of the US government to work with Assad. Instead, the US has adopted the hopeless strategy of working with so-called moderate rebels to overthrow Assad while at the same time fighting terrorist groups who also seek to overthrow Assad. The worst-kept secret in the world is that these “moderate” rebels have been working with ISIS to overthrow Assad all along. As pointed out by Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Javad Zarif in an interview with Charlie Rose, the US government didn’t care about ISIS until they started attacking Iraq. Before that, the US was content to sit back and watch ISIS attack the Syrian government.

Now, after over a year of fighting ISIS, the US and NATO allies have achieved practically nothing.

In spite of this, we still have people like David Ignatius, one of the US State Dept. mouthpieces at The Washington Post, saying that the Pentagon needs to find a more secretive way to work with al Qaeda in Syria: “The Pentagon needs to assess immediately why this overt, U.S.-backed program failed so badly, and whether it can be rebuilt. A better bet may be the CIA’s covert training program, whose fighters can make tactical battlefield deals with Jabhat al-Nusra without publicly allying with it.”

By working with the government of Syria and refusing to work with any terrorist groups, Russia has a much better chance of eliminating the threat of ISIS and alleviating the refugee crisis in Europe. This should be cause for celebration everywhere.

14. Everyone, starting with the United States, should be happy that Russia is fighting terrorists in Syria, but instead they whine, criticize, and even threaten military retaliation against Russia!

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov: “One would think the world should applaud, but then we have US and the West worrying about ISIL losses. Yesterday they said it was evil, yet as soon as Russian aviation started conducting airstrikes, they suddenly condemn bombings and call for taking measures against Russia. But there’s the nation behind our army, and nobody cares about the West’s whining.”

Among the lunatics in the US who have actually called for military action against Russia to protect our so-called “assets” in Syria, we have: Presidential candidates Carly Fiorina and Senator Marco Rubio, career Russophobe Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Senator John McCain. I submit to you that these people are traitors to the real national security interests of the United States. These fascist lunatics talk about “standing up to Russia” and protecting our “assets” in Syria, but nobody wants to call it what it really would be: World War III. We have no assets in Syria worth that! We need to get our ASSETS out of Syria now if they’re so important, and anyway, didn’t we already say NO several times to “intervention” in Syria?

15. Obama’s (now former) ISIS Czar General John Allen conducted the “fight” against ISIS by doing everything possible to undermine the main enemy of ISIS – Assad. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has employed the same strategy by working to overthrow Assad, bombing ISIS a little from time to time, bombing the Kurds (true enemies of ISIS and effective fighters as well) a lot, and refusing to seal the Syria-Turkey border, allowing ISIS terrorists in and out of Syria. Erdogan’s daughter even runs a covert hospital to treat wounded ISIS terrorists!

15. Globalization (including the Washington Consensus and global free trade policies with America as the world policeman) has been an unmitigated disaster for the entire world, including the United States.

The unipolar world led by the United States as the lone superpower (otherwise known as the world police) has not led to a golden age of universal democracy and freedom and the free market utopia promised in the post-USSR 90s. It has led instead to a world of brutal IMF-style austerity, out-of-control speculation and toxic derivatives markets, the absolute rule of finance capitalism in place of industrial capitalism, a Wall Street / military-industrial-complex oligarchy with an utterly subservient, toothless political class to do their bidding (lest the Too-Big-To-Fails fail and the apocalypse ensues, bringing, so they say, death, destruction, anarchy and martial law), seemingly endless wars (not of conquest of land, but of the vital assets and resources of nations), nation-building (doublespeak for attacking nations), CIA-backed color revolutions and uprisings (the disastrous Arab Spring, the Euromaidan in Kiev), speculation-driven financial warfare on nations such as Greece (followed of course by demands for ruthless, barbaric austerity), and low-wage, rip-off, monetarist economies in place of the high-wage, productive labor-oriented economies of the past, just to name a few glorious triumphs of the globalized / free trade world. The living standards of the lower and middle classes have declined throughout Europe and America, while the wealthiest of the wealthy, the one percent of the one percent, have acquired ungodly, incalculable wealth, expanding the gap between the rich and the poor to unprecedented levels. Borders open up everywhere, first world jobs are lost, third world sweat shops thrive, profits roll in, bankers rejoice, the jobless recovery is trumpeted from the mountaintops, and Ross Perot’s “giant sucking sound” gets louder and louder year after year.

The return to a multipolar world will not solve all of these problems, nor will socialism, or communism, or Bernie Sanders, or anything we can imagine. Jeremy Corbyn can’t save us and neither can Putin. But as Russia takes back their rightful place as a global power, along with China and the BRICS nations, what we can now hope for is the beginning of the end of Francis Fukuyama’s prophesied pseudo-Hegelian “End of History” American style – the ultimate and utter triumph of “Washington Consensus” liberal democracy, small (and feckless) government dominated by multi-national corporations and cocaine-addicted Wall Street speculators, and at the very least we can hope for an end to the nightmare of the lunatic “Wolfowitz Doctrine” neocon wars to spread democracy and topple governments around the world without any meaningful dissent. As Peter Lavelle put it, “Finally we are witnessing the first steps beyond the post-Cold War order – and praise God for this!” Since the neolibs and neocons couldn’t care less what the people think about all of this, we should all welcome Vladimir Putin’s insistent NYET, and we should all be asking our leaders the same question Putin put to them at the UN General Assembly:

Do you realize what you’ve done?

Sources & Relevant Links

Russia’s Aim in Syria Is to Strategically Defeat ISIS and Al Qaeda: http://tinyurl.com/o5ve9d9

Bashar al-Assad wins re-election in Syria as uprising against him rages on: http://tinyurl.com/nsbvedq

Worst refugee crisis in a generation as millions flee Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: http://tinyurl.com/po7xghg

Only ‘4 Or 5’ U.S.-Trained Rebels In Syria? Not Exactly: http://tinyurl.com/nw37yep

Question for Obama’s Syria plan: Who are the moderate rebels?: http://tinyurl.com/nya7854

Russian Airstrike in Syria Targeted CIA-Backed Rebels, U.S. Officials Say: http://tinyurl.com/pbwrm4g

Most CIA-backed rebels in Syria ‘anti-American, anti-Western and anti-democracy’: http://tinyurl.com/pwdjxnp

“Free Syrian Army” is just a brand name without a product: http://tinyurl.com/nrhf5f3

Russian Foreign Minister calls Free Syrian Army ‘phantom’ group: http://tass.ru/en/politics/826244

Petraeus Is Wrong: You Can’t “Peel” Jihadist Away From Jihad: http://tinyurl.com/nzb8aet

Who Are the Terrorists in Syria?: http://tinyurl.com/qzdsf23

War on Islamic State: A New Cold War fiction: http://tinyurl.com/pq8d4k9

“Which Side are you Fighting for?” Russia Blasts US for Refusing to Share ISIS Intel: http://tinyurl.com/q9r64cl

Should US Ally with Al Qaeda in Syria?: http://tinyurl.com/p6oplt7

Newly-Declassified U.S. Government Documents: The West Supported the Creation of ISIS: http://tinyurl.com/mqzof7u

Corralling Our Objectives in Syria, by David Ignatius: http://tinyurl.com/o44gdwc

Wait! You’re bombing the wrong terrorists!: http://tinyurl.com/pp4bgbd

US has trained only ‘four or five’ Syrian fighters against Isis, top general testifies: http://tinyurl.com/nk6vjzs

Doublespeak and Vagueness in Lead-up to Invasion of Syria: http://tinyurl.com/oqtpmsf

What should Obama call the next war?: http://tinyurl.com/pn6lxr3

Most Syrians back President Assad, but you’d never know from western media: http://tinyurl.com/mc6q3el

Syrian president Assad threatens ‘repercussions’ if US launches strikes: http://tinyurl.com/q5eodcb

Russia will pay price for Syrian airstrikes, says US defence secretary: http://tinyurl.com/pzqule3

Libyan ‘Regime Change’ Worsened Chaos: http://tinyurl.com/n9jnm72

Libyan Regime Change: U.S./NATO Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds: http://tinyurl.com/3wuc7wm

All of the Countries which the U.S. “Regime Changed” – Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya – Have Descended into Brutal Chaos: http://tinyurl.com/n7qpf9y

The Six Most Disastrous Interventions of the 21st Century: http://tinyurl.com/plsvnx9

Imperial Failure: Lessons From Afghanistan and Iraq, by Ralph Nader: http://tinyurl.com/o93ec47

WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath: http://tinyurl.com/p533yme

Zbigniew Brzezinski On Trial At The UN General Assembly: http://tinyurl.com/pkyffzb

Brzezinski’s “Retaliation” Agenda: Break Up Russia And Absorb It: http://tinyurl.com/o2po77g

Brzezinski Mapped Out the Battle for Ukraine in 1997: http://tinyurl.com/nbjaqgj

Brzezinski: Obama should retaliate if Russia doesn’t stop attacking U.S. assets: http://tinyurl.com/oqmos85

Fiorina Explains How She Would Deal with ‘Unholy Alliance’ in Middle East: http://tinyurl.com/pajq5f5

Marco Rubio Would Risk War With Russia In Order To Enforce Safe Zone In Syria: http://tinyurl.com/qc55qkb

War Psychosis Grips Washington Elites as Russia Hits CIA’S Pet Syrian Terrorist Rebels with Ship-Launched Cruise Missiles from Caspian Sea: http://tinyurl.com/p434lzu

Syria Is In Russia’s Backyard … Not Ours: http://tinyurl.com/qagzvoc

A Plea for Caution From Russia: http://tinyurl.com/orxslpr

9/11 a ‘turning point’ for Putin: http://tinyurl.com/nk4qoua

Russia closes NATO supply corridor to Afghanistan: http://tinyurl.com/oaadj4p

Russia warned U.S. about Boston Marathon bomb suspect Tsarnaev: http://tinyurl.com/petycg8

Turkish President Erdogan’s Daughter Heads ‘Covert’ Medical Facility for Treating Injured Isis Fighters: http://tinyurl.com/pouafh8

Syrian Civil War: http://tinyurl.com/o79rf2t

Assad Did Not Gas Civilians in Ghouta in 2013: http://tinyurl.com/pljw39s

Did Assad gas his own people?: http://tinyurl.com/n9pkd69

Accusations that Syria used chemical weapon ‘against logic’ – Assad: http://tinyurl.com/ncsdvcz

2 Turkish Parliament Members: Turkey Provided Chemical Weapons for Syrian Terrorist Attack: https://t.co/NMXDbq5G7G

Turkish MPs: Turkey provided chemical weapons for Syrian terrorist attack: http://tinyurl.com/nnb3zz9

Sy Hersh Reveals Potential Turkish Role in Syria Chemical Strike That Almost Sparked U.S. Bombing: http://tinyurl.com/kezlth5

Classified U.S. Military Document: Syrian Rebels DO Have Chemical Weapons: http://tinyurl.com/l2lhmcp

Turkish Political and Military Leaders ADMIT to Planning False Flag Terror to Justify a War with Syria: http://tinyurl.com/kzhnwb3

The Big Fat Honking Lie in Obama’s UN Speech (Sarin Gas Attack): http://tinyurl.com/owfqn5c

Presidential candidate Clinton says removing Assad in Syria is No. 1 priority: http://tinyurl.com/onvxmfm

The tragi-comedy that is “Brown Moses”: http://tinyurl.com/nknjcrd

“Syrian Observatory for Human Rights”, Source Widely Cited by BCC, CNN, Guardian, etc, Is a Fraud: http://tinyurl.com/p8huoej

Who is behind Syrian Observatory for Human Rights?: http://tinyurl.com/nmtr9bg

Soros-Sponsored NGO (The White Helmets) in Syria Aims at Ousting Assad, Not Saving Civilians: http://tinyurl.com/p9txfcb

Counting the Dead in Syria:

Consistent with earlier analyses, most people who have tragically lost their lives in Syria are not civilians, but rather active combatants. This is worth bearing in mind when U.S. senators repeat the inaccurate statement that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has “massacred” 200,000 of his own people.


Did Vladimir Putin call the breakup of the USSR ‘the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century?’: http://tinyurl.com/nlb5hkp

The Double-Speak of American Civilian Humanitarianism: http://tinyurl.com/nz45esd

Civilian Bombing Reports Emerged BEFORE Strikes Began: http://tinyurl.com/npek44f

Answering Russia’s Critics on Syria: http://tinyurl.com/oeayfsd

US Congresswoman: Russia Is Bombing Al-Qaeda Terrorists. How Is That a Bad Thing?: http://tinyurl.com/nqn43yp

An Assad Apologist? Who’s Apologizing?: http://tinyurl.com/o3y2jdb

A Useful Prep-Sheet on Syria for Media Propagandists: http://tinyurl.com/o9abhx2

Russia’s campaign is snuffing out the CIA’s Al-Qaeda forces: http://tinyurl.com/om3pu9os

Putin Has Just Put An End to the Wolfowitz Doctrine: http://tinyurl.com/q9oukfd

Deep State America: http://tinyurl.com/oflg6sj

Tarpley.net: http://tarpley.net/

TWSP/UFAA Morning Briefing for Friday, October 2, 2015: http://twsp.us/briefing/20151002

RT: http://www.rt.com/

Sputnik News: http://sputniknews.com/

Global Research: http://www.globalresearch.ca/

Strategic Culture: http://www.strategic-culture.org/

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Wait! You’re bombing the wrong terrorists!


When you said you were going to bomb the terrorists, we didn’t think you were serious!

The US couldn’t find any “moderate” rebels in 3 years. Apparently the Russians did within 24 hours! – Mark Adomanis

The anti-Putin, Russophobe whine-fest is about to reach a new peak of absurdity as the US accuses Russia of bombing the moderate Syrian rebels instead of ISIS – the problem is that there has never been a “moderate” opposition in Syria distinguishable from ISIS. This is why more than a year of American “attacks” on ISIS have yielded no results. The US has been supporting and funding the “moderate” opposition to Assad while supposedly attacking ISIS, only to find that our own weapons end up in the hands of ISIS! And now, Russia is going after all of them, whatever they may call themselves: ISIS, ISIL, IS, Nusra, al Qaeda, the moderate Syrian rebels, the Free Syria Army, the moderate Syrian ISIS terrorists…

So now, the message Russia is getting from Washington is: stop bombing the Nusra branch of al Qaeda and bomb the ISIS branch of al Qaeda! But since they all work together to overthrow President Assad, they are all on the same side and completely indistinguishable from each other.

: ?


The US government and military-industrial complex are furious at Vladimir Putin for coming to the UNGA in New York and trolling everyone by offering to help America in the fight against ISIS, because the sad truth is, America has not been fighting ISIS – they have, along with Turkey and Saudi Arabia, been trying to remove Assad from power at all costs. Putin (displaying the skills of both master statesman and expert troll) called everyone on this bluff and left the “international community” with a question which will echo down through the years as the iconic quote of the age of the War on Terror: DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU’VE DONE?

So let the next round of hysterical Russia-bashing begin!

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Russian Airstrike in Syria Targeted CIA-Backed Rebels, U.S. Officials Say

Russia launched airstrikes in Syria on Wednesday, catching U.S. and Western officials off guard and drawing new condemnation as evidence suggested Moscow wasn’t targeting extremist group Islamic State, but rather other opponents of Bashar al-Assad’s regime. One of the airstrikes hit an area primarily held by rebels backed by the Central Intelligence Agency and allied spy services, U.S. officials said, catapulting the Syrian crisis to a new level of danger and uncertainty. Moscow’s entry means the world’s most powerful militaries—including the U.S., Britain and France—now are flying uncoordinated combat missions, heightening the risk of conflict in the skies over Syria. U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Russia’s approach to the Syrian war—defending Mr. Assad while ostensibly targeting extremists—was tantamount to “pouring gasoline on the fire.” “I have been dealing with them for a long time. And this is not the kind of behavior that we should expect professionally from the Russian military,” Mr. Carter said at a Pentagon news conference. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and said he raised U.S. concerns about attacks that target regime opponents other than Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. In Syria’s multi-sided war, Mr. Assad’s military—aided by Iran and the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah—is fighting both Islamic State and opposition rebel groups, some of which are supported by the U.S. and its allies.


Wow! CIA-backed rebels? I thought that was a conspiracy theory!

Who are the moderate rebels? http://tinyurl.com/nya7854

Don’t expect a lot of thanks from the US, Russia, but maybe the Europeans will at least give you a tip of the hat for doing something constructive to address the refugee crisis!


Webster G. Tarpley: After a year of phony war vs ISIS, US whines that Russia is hitting al Qaeda-Nusra, not al Qaeda-ISIS.

Jeffrey Laubach: “Enough is enough. Mainstream media are now reporting that Russian airstrikes targeted “Western-backed moderate” rebel forces, rather than ISIS. Please keep in mind that the U.S. just cancelled a failed program to train and arm “moderate” rebel forces that spent $500 million and yielded only a few dozen fighters who are now either dead or have defected to al-Qaeda. So now who is this magical army of moderate freedom fighters that the Western governments are supposedly backing that the Russians have just hit? The FSA? The same second rate mafia made up of thieves and brigands who have made absolutely no secret of their alliance with al-Qaeda? Or is it the Islamic Front? The so-called “moderate” Islamists backed by Saudi Arabia whose leader, Zahran Alloush (who’s known to carry a Hello Kitty notebook) has openly called for the extermination of all of Syria’s Alawis and Shias? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

Russia begins airstrikes in Syria; U.S. warns of new concerns in conflict http://tinyurl.com/pb4649e

This Is How Russia Handles Terrorists: Moscow Releases Video Of Syria Strikes

Now that Russia has officially begun conducting airstrikes on anti-regime forces operating in Syria, commentators, pundits, and analysts around the world will be keen to compare and contrast the results of Moscow’s efforts with the year-old US-led air campaign against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq. Clearly, Russia has a very real incentive to ensure that its airstrikes are effective. Preserving the global balance of power means preserving the Assad regime and, by extension, ensuring that Iran maintains its regional influence. On the other hand, the US and its regional allies actually have an incentive to ensure that their airstrikes are minimally effective. That is, for the US, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, the idea is not to kill Frankenstein, but rather to ensure that he doesn’t escape the lab.


Terrorist training camp & command HQ annihilated in Russian MoD-released combat footage (VIDEO)


Russia in Syria: When the propaganda is kind of true – Russia bombing ‘U.S.-trained’ nutjobs

Kerry and Lavrov both know what’s really going on here: the U.S. has numerous assets among the terrorist groups, it doesn’t really want them defeated, but it must make a show of it in order to keep up the public pretense of wanting to fight terrorism. Perhaps Russia is even giving the U.S. and its allies a chance to remove key assets from within their mercenary groups operating in Syria. There’s not much else they can do, having been cornered by Russia’s quick action. And, what? No mention of Assad resigning? Whodathunkit! Kerry basically admitted defeat, and Lavrov didn’t even gloat. After being caught with their pants down, the U.S.’s options are rather limited at this point in time in response to Russia. But they’re really trying their best, making two basic claims via the media: 1) Russia isn’t really targeting ISIS, 2) Russia is killing civilians. For example, yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that at least one airstrike targeted U.S.-trained and -supported rebels.


The key to Russian success in attacking ISIS will be coordinating airstrikes with the Syrian Army – something the US “coalition” has refused to do:


Vladimir Putin: The only real way to fight international terrorism is to take the initiative and fight and destroy the terrorists in the territory they have already captured rather than waiting for them to arrive on our soil.


Lionel: Russia Clobbers ISIS in Syria. So Where’s the Applause? http://tinyurl.com/nq6mbqn

ISIS ON THE RUN: Russian Airstrikes Totally Obliterate Terrorist Forces in Just 72 Hours

Russian Lt. Gen. Andrei Kartapolov said that “intelligence has captured that militants are leaving the areas under their control”, and, most importantly, he added that “panic and desertion have begun in their ranks. About 600 mercenaries have left their positions and are trying to get to Europe”. Due to this runaway success, Kartapolov said “we will not only continue conducting our airstrikes, but will also increase their intensity”


NGOs, The White Helmets, and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Information about civilian casualties in ‪Syria‬ appeared BEFORE Russian planes even took off – ‪Putin‬

Civilian Bombing Reports Emerge BEFORE Strikes Begin http://tinyurl.com/npek44f

Civilian casualty reports are given by George Soros’ NGO White Helmets: http://tinyurl.com/qbcxwvy

Who is behind Syrian Observatory for Human Rights? http://tinyurl.com/npk4g4d

Keep in mind that during the anti-Assad “regime change” hysteria of 2013, not one shred of hard evidence that “Assad gassed his own people” was ever put forward by the lunatic, fascist neocons and mush-head, neolib humanitarian bombers:

Did Assad gas his own people, or is this a false flag attack by the opposition? http://tinyurl.com/n9pkd69

Any attempts by the Western media to present “evidence” have usually come from utterly dubious sources like the unemployed office-worker Eliot Higgins of the Brown Moses blog:

Brown Moses: the British blogger tracking Syrian arms http://tinyurl.com/nmmtuzp

The tragi-comedy that is “Brown Moses” http://tinyurl.com/nknjcrd

Obama Accuses Russia of Going After America’s “Good Guy Terrorists”

Russia is being blamed for targeting a terrorist entity which is not only on the UN Security Council blacklist but which has ties to the Islamic State (ISIS).


US Complains As Russia Bombs its Terrorists http://tinyurl.com/oza7mrt

Washington Blasts Putin For Russian Strikes On “CIA-Backed Rebels” In Syria http://tinyurl.com/pdnj7ku

Anti-Putin Propaganda Begins: ‘Moderate’ Terrorists Complaining That Russia Bombed Them http://tinyurl.com/q5vk8hu

The destabilizers of Syria accuse Russia of destabilizing Syria http://tinyurl.com/q6aaarg

West Demonizes Russian Airstrikes in Syria to Justify Its Own Failure http://tinyurl.com/ouczg32

Newly-Declassified U.S. Government Documents: The West Supported the Creation of ISIS http://tinyurl.com/mdj26pn

NATO calls on Russia to cease Syria military strikes http://tinyurl.com/oqf7r9t

Western spin machines functioning at full capacity on Syria http://tinyurl.com/o7v8ndv

Max Abrahms: The Pentagon suspended the train & equip program because we couldn’t find moderates. But now we’re told moderates abound & are under attack.


The Saudis are furious at Russia for bombing their “moderate” terrorists:


Gulf states plan military response as Putin raises the stakes in Syria http://tinyurl.com/pqc6cyn

John McCain is, of course, completely insane:

McCain: Arm Syrian rebels to shoot down Russian planes.

Scandal: John McCain is ashamed of America, supports fascists and terrorists


There is no difference between McCain’s “moderate” terrorist friends and ISIS – none! McCain is very much part of the problem. This is why Russia has to clean this mess up, because after the US enables ISIS to take over Syria, they will be in Russia! Thank God McCain is not President!

And thank God for Russia!

#Lavrov: We are not planning to expand airstrikes to Iraq, we weren’t asked; we are #politepeople

Peter Lavelle: Finally we are witnessing the first steps beyond the post-Cold War order – and praise God for this! For the last two decades Washington has been sloppy and arrogant in its foreign policy all over the world. It has acted like a criminal – like when the police are on strike or non-existent. The Syrian civil war (encouraged by the west) and the migrant/refugee crisis intentionally or unintentionally created by the west are clear examples of this. Russia’s enhanced intervention in Syria (at the invitation of the Damascus government) is a game changer. Washington and its minions need to stop playing God and return to environment of diplomacy and negotiations.

TWSP/UFAA Morning Briefing for Friday, October 2, 2015 http://twsp.us/briefing/20151002

The Refugee Crisis – Who Warned You?

A woman carries her child to escape from the burnt tents at Zattari Syrian refugee camp near Mafraq, Syria, on March 8. A heavy fire broke out and consumed a large number of tents. UNICEF reports that more than two million Syrian children are internally displaced refugees within Syria.

Vladimir Putin: the refugee crisis was expected!

“We in Russia, and me personally a few years ago, said it straight that pervasive problems would emerge, if our so-called Western partners continue maintaining their flawed … foreign policy, especially in the regions of the Muslim world, Middle East, North Africa, which they pursue to date… I think the crisis was absolutely expected.”

“… if we act unilaterally and argue about the quasi-democratic principles and procedures for certain areas, that will lead us to an even greater impasse.”


Remember that it was Vladimir Putin who warned the US to back off the planned humanitarian (regime change) invasion of Syria in 2013 with his historic New York Times op ed:

A Plea for Caution From Russia:

Putin: The potential strike by the United States against Syria, despite strong opposition from many countries and major political and religious leaders, including the pope, will result in more innocent victims and escalation, potentially spreading the conflict far beyond Syria’s borders. A strike would increase violence and unleash a new wave of terrorism. It could undermine multilateral efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and further destabilize the Middle East and North Africa. It could throw the entire system of international law and order out of balance. Syria is not witnessing a battle for democracy, but an armed conflict between government and opposition in a multireligious country. There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government. The United States State Department has designated Al Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, fighting with the opposition, as terrorist organizations. This internal conflict, fueled by foreign weapons supplied to the opposition, is one of the bloodiest in the world.

Putin – People flee from Syria because of ISIS, not Assad regime:

“Of course, we know that there are different approaches to Syria. By the way, people are running away not from the regime of Bashar Assad, but from Islamic State, which seized large areas in Syria and Iraq, and are committing atrocities there. That is what they are escaping from,” RIA Novosti quoted Vladimir Putin as saying on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.


Russia Was Right About How to Deal with Syrian Crisis:

Russia’s assistance might’ve helped the Syrian crisis long ago if only the West would’ve listened, according to Finland’s President Sauli Niinistö.

According to (Finland’s former president Martti) Ahtisaari, Russia had been willing to cooperate with the West since 2012, but the US and the UK were only interested in removing Assad. “Ahtisaari was right,” Niinistö told Nykypäivä ja Verkkouutiset.


The EU blindly follows US foreign policy, as in the sanctions war – and this hurts Europe, not the US.

Migrant Crisis Caused by ‘Blindly Following U.S. Orders’, Says Putin:


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said everything you ever really needed to know about the refugee crisis… in August 2013! (while former British Secretary of State William Hague also took the opportunity at the time to demonstrate that he’s a hopeless scoundrel).

Russia warns West over ‘illegal’ Syria intervention:

“Lavrov warned that in any case Western intervention on the side of the opposition forces would be a “grave mistake” and scupper any hopes of convening a peace conference to resolve the conflict. “If anyone thinks that destroying Syria’s military infrastructure and leaving the battleground open for the opposition to take victory would be the end of it, that is an illusion,” said Lavrov. Speaking at a hastily convened news conference, he (Lavrov) added that the West was currently moving towards “a very dangerous path, a very slippery path”.

His comments came after William Hague today refused to rule out bombing Assad regime targets within days, warning that the Syrian regime could not be allowed to use chemical weapons against its own people “with impunity”, following an alleged attack last week in which at least 355 people were killed and 3,600 injured.”


Hague said the UK did not rule out anything for the future as the situation in Syria was unpredictable and may get even worse. He reiterated that to date, the help the UK was giving the Syrian opposition was largely made up of a humanitarian nature and was designed to save lives.


The Syrian “opposition” as Hague called them, also described as the “moderate Syrian rebels”, has never been anything other than ISIS! The entire point of the Anglo-American-EU outrage over the situation in Syria from day one has been the removal of Assad from power and the continuation of the destabilization of the Middle East. Control over resources and pipeline routes is one of the main motives, as most people are able to deduce, but it must also be kept in mind that Syria is more or less within the Russian sphere of influence, and Assad is a key ally to Russia. Those who are unable to connect the dots regarding Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Russia, the EU, and the US (as well as US allies such as Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey) are likely to be led astray by mainstream media talking heads who tend to separate these matters in order to more easily demonize Putin and Assad.

Studying the works of key Western insiders like Zbigniew Brzezinski helps to clear away the fog of confusion which currently prevails in Europe and the Anglo-American world.

Brzezinski Mapped Out the Battle for Ukraine in 1997:


Assad is not and never has been the problem – Erdogan is!

The duplicitous Turkish leader Erdogan also blames the West.

On Thursday, Erdogan “expressed with sorrow” that some European countries have “double standards,” slamming the West for drowning “humanity,” Hurriyet Daily News reported.


Erdogan is one of the biggest problems in the Middle East right now. Everyone who is freaking out over Iran needs to shift the focus of their hysteria to this guy. Turkey claims to be fighting ISIS, while in reality continuing to bomb the Kurds – the people who are actually fighting ISIS and doing so successfully. All that Erdogan’s pathetic bombing campaigns against ISIS are doing is driving them closer to Iran and Russia. He’s using the Syrian civil war as an excuse to attack Assad, thinking some day he can carve off a few slices of Syria for his neo-Ottoman empire.

Anyone who is attacking Assad right now is out of their mind!

The myth that Assad gassed his own supporters (in the vicinity of the UN building the day before the weapons inspectors were due to arrive) has been conclusively debunked by numerous investigative journalists. Here is my contribution from those deeply Orwellian days of 2013:

Did Assad gas his own people, or is this a false flag attack by the opposition?

Did Assad gas his own people, or is this a false flag attack by the opposition?

Assad Wrongfully Blamed:


The myth of the “moderate Syrian rebels” has also been debunked – most definitively by the emergence of ISIS itself!

The sleazy former CIA Director David Petraeus indicates as much in his own seditious way:

Former CIA Director Petraeus Wants to Use Al-Qaeda to Fight ISIS:

Al CIA-da: Former CIA Director Petraeus Wants to Use Al-Qaeda to Fight ISIS


The cynicism and hypocrisy of the neocons and “humanitarian” neolibs knows no bounds – blaming the refugee crisis on Assad and using this as an excuse to bomb Syria! When you think about the Syrian boy lying face down on the beach, remember the neocon lunatics who see this as an opportunity for regime change in Syria. Erdogan is also posturing over this picture – yes, the ISIS caliph himself! The man who could allow these refugees to pass to Europe over land, BUT DOESN’T! That boy’s blood is on Erdogan’s hands!

‪#‎FireAllen4ISIS‬ ‪#‎ArrestMcCain4ISIS‬

No more humanitarian bombing! No more Libyan adventures, no more Syrian adventures! Work with Assad, work with Putin. Anything else is nuts!

Beware the do-gooders who never give up on their dream of bombing Syria and removing Assad!

Piers Morgan wrote an article in the Daily Mail in which he puts the blame on us, the West! This is largely true, thanks to all the humanitarian bombers, the neolib R2Pers, and our old friends the neocon madmen who started everything with the criminal invasion of Iraq. Morgan says that we now have to “make it right”, which suggests duplicity and neoliberal delusion on his part.

PIERS MORGAN: Don’t shut your eyes to this picture because WE did this. Now we have to make it right:


The method of doublespeak being used by The Sun is similar:

“bringing an end to the war” = bombing Syria now!


British PM David Cameron, on the other hand, does not even attempt to conceal his chicanery with doublespeak, opting instead to flaunt his stupidity and repugnant nature as some kind of badge of honor.

Assad & ISIS responsible for drowned Syrian boy, says Cameron:

Prime Minister David Cameron has blamed Syrian President Bashar Assad and Islamic State militants for the “terrible scenes” on Europe’s beaches as the refugee crisis worsens. Speaking after MPs from across the political spectrum called for Britain to accept more refugees, Cameron said the crisis needs a “comprehensive solution” which includes a new government in Libya and being “tough” on Assad…


Funny how Syrians didn’t flee en masse from Assad’s “tyranny” before the uprising of the “moderate” rebels, and Libyans didn’t flee Gaddafi’s Libya but are fleeing “liberated” Libya.

Isn’t it also odd that all the Samantha Powers, Eliot Higginses, and similar neolib R2Pers and Euro-do-gooders were willing to spare no cost to “save” the children then, but not so much now?

Europe can’t afford to take care of so many refugees (from conflicts they started), but they can give hundreds of millions of euros to the Ukrainian Nazis!

Ukraine, Germany Sign 200 Mln Euro Loan Deal:


EU’s Reckless Policy to Blame for Current Migrant Crisis:


Listen to Webster Tarpley’s World Crisis Radio:


Whenever you see that heartbreaking, iconic photograph of poor Aylan Kurdi (and it is indeed heartbreaking – I don’t do a lot of crying myself, and I don’t like to wear my emotions on my sleeve, but I cry almost every time I see or think about that poor, innocent toddler lying face down on the beach), do not forget for one second where the blame lies!

The blame lies squarely with: US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ISIS Czar General John Allen, US Secretary of State John Kerry, former British Secretary of State William Hague, the shameless, pathetic Brown Moses Blog liar and BBC’s go-to weapons “expert” Eliot Higgins, Keating Five and 47 Traitors member, and ISIS supporter – US Senator John McCain, and former CIA director David Petraeus, among many others, including the rotten Saudi royal family, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (who takes every opportunity to attack Assad), and to some degree the pathetic President Obama, who has, however, lately backed off the lunatic agenda of warmongering in the Middle East, so we can give him the benefit of the doubt for now – something we are not willing to do for his predecessor, the idiot George W. Bush and his insane VP Dick Cheney.



Soros-funded White Helmets are in Syria rescuing terrorists and attacking Assad:




Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators – White Helmets, Avaaz, Nicholas Kristof and Syria No Fly Zone:

Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators

Don’t let anyone fool you: Sectarian strife in Syria has been engineered to provide cover for a war for access to oil and gas, and the power and money that come along with it:

Refugee Crisis & Syria War Fueled By Competing Gas Pipelines

Ukrainian refugees (the ones who haven’t already escaped into Russia) are coming next:


Maybe ISIS should change their name to ISBA – Islamic State of Britain & America:




Disinformation: Unsourced Lies on The Situation in Syria

Russia SLAMS Western ‘Social Engineering’ in Syria as Cause of Migrant Crisis

Russophobia is not an economic recovery program!


If you ask why the Maidan uprising took place in late 2013 to early 2014, you’ll get different answers depending on who you ask. If you ask anyone who is familiar with the Brzezinski Plan (See: The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski) and understands CIA color revolution / destabilization strategies and neoliberal soft power politics, they will tell you that the Maidan coup happened as a result of US State Department, CIA, EU, and western NGO / foundation-funded meddling. Of course we shouldn’t leave out Victoria Nuland’s friends at Chevron who also sponsored the Maidan coup!

If you ask others, perhaps those who watched the famous viral video entitled “I am a Ukrainian” and were moved to tears by the emotional pleas of the young actress posing as a brave activist, they may tell you that the people of Ukraine rose up against their pro-Russia government because they wanted “freedom.”


But freedom from what? Freedom from Russia? Is that all? Has Russia oppressed Ukraine so horribly in recent years, since the fall of the USSR and Ukraine’s independence from Russia which was won without a single shot being fired? Surely the people who gathered in Maidan must have had some notion of economic freedom as well? Freedom from want – call it what you may. Freedom and democracy are simply a means to an end, and that end is usually regarded in one way or another to be economic prosperity, or at least freedom from the economic oppression of a ruling oligarchical class.

So one question is rarely asked in this regard: what has the new government of Ukraine done for Ukrainians? What have they delivered besides bombs and Russophobic rhetoric? What have they actually done for the economy? Does anyone even remember the mantra – it’s the economy, stupid?

Well, it depends which government you’re talking about. If you mean the government in Kiev, led nowadays by the candy oligarch Poroshenko, they have done very little apart from killing eastern Ukrainians (at the time of writing, Shirokino and Gorlovka in Donetsk are being shelled by Ukrainian forces, with women and children among the many casualties) and making fools of themselves on the world stage with their hysterical Russophobic raving and extreme tolerance of open fascists, many of whom occupy positions of power within the government.

If, however, you mean the government of Novorossiya, they have done a lot of very real, and very promising, things in a very short period of time.

Let’s take a look first at what the new government of Kiev has to offer

In the words of Professor Stephen Cohen, there is “a deepening economic, financial, political and military crisis in Kiev… The regime is becoming wobbly. It can’t do anything except call for war.”

It all actually started before Maidan with the Ukraine EU Association Agreement which then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign, and with good reason.

According to Alexander Mercouris of Russia Insider, the agreement calls for Ukraine to surrender “regulation of its economy to the EU in Brussels. Questions of regulation of Ukraine’s economy will no longer be decided by the Ukrainian government and parliament in Kiev, but by the European Council and the EU Commission in Brussels.” This, by the way, comes with no commitment on the part of the EU to actually accept Ukraine as a member of the EU. “Ukraine is surrendering control of its economy to the EU without the corresponding benefit of EU membership” says Mercouris.

And then there’s the IMF. Crimea’s deputy prime minister, Olga Kovitidi, described the “tentative agreement with the IMF which the Ukrainian authorities signed with the IMF on March 2, 2014.” In an article for Voice of Russia she revealed that “the country’s entire gas pipeline system will be handed over for free” to Chevron, “while the owners of the Mariupol, Zaporizhzhya and Dnipropetrovsk steel mills will be obliged to surrender their 50% stakes to Germany’s Ruhr.”

She continues:

The Donbass coal industry will be handed over to Ruhr’s subsidiary in Finland… Gas prices for municipal companies will have to be increased by 50% and for private will double. Electricity tariffs will be raised by 40%, housing utility tariffs will be raised, too, gasoline excises will go up 60% and transportation tariffs 50%, while state support for childbirth will be cancelled, the free distribution of textbooks will be annulled at schools and the VAT relief will be scrapped in rural regions… VAT will be introduced on medications, which will push up prices and bring citizens’ living standards down… The planned annulment of the moratorium on the sale of farmland looks appalling. The selloff of Ukraine’s black soil zone, including to foreign countries, may have disastrous economic and social consequences.

Fast-forward to June 1, 2015, and believe it or not, the situation is worse than Olga Kovitidi could have imagined! From TASS News Agency:

Ukraine has stopped paying out welfare payments for pensioners, World War Two veterans, people with disabilities, liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster beginning with Monday, since the law of December 28, 2014, on stabilizing the financial condition of the state has come into force. It affects practically all social security beneficiaries, without defining the mechanisms for providing targeted assistance to low-income groups. Kiev has eliminated transport, healthcare, utilities and financial benefits for former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and recipients of some Soviet-era orders and titles. Compensations to families with children living in the areas contaminated by radiation from the Chernobyl accident will be no longer paid either.

By February of 2015, RT reported that “Ukrainian supermarkets have imposed rationing of basic products after the drastic fall in the value of the hryvnia. The currency has lost 70 percent of its value causing people to stockpile food and buy electronics as a hedge.”

In May of 2015, Reuters reported that “Ukraine faces highest inflation since 1996.”

Valentyna Lozova, a Kiev-based accountant and business owner said (as reported by Bloomberg) that her business “is about to close and there are many more like it… Salaries aren’t rising, inflation is galloping and the hryvnia’s (Ukraine’s currency) in freefall. I’m afraid of the future.”

I challenge anyone to point out one measure, anything at all, which has been implemented by the Kiev circus masquerading as a government since 2014, that provides any benefit to the people of Ukraine – not the banks, not the oligarchs, not the IMF or EU, but the people. You know – the 99%!

Novorossiya – a huge social experiment and dirigist economic recovery program

Compare this nightmare of IMF/EU austerity and oligarchical government with Novorossiya. According to author and historian Dr. Webster G. Tarpley, who has recently visited the Donetsk Republic on two separate occasions, a huge social experiment is underway in the Donetsk Republic.

This is what an economic recovery plan looks like.

Boris Litvinov, member of the joint parliament of Novorossiya (Lugansk and Donetsk Republics), speaking to visiting western journalists such as Webster Tarpley and Pepe Escobar, reports that the fledgling government of Novorossiya has nationalized the entire banking system – all private banks have been made national or shut down. The bank of Ukrainian multibillionaire oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi (a citizen of Ukraine, Israel, and Cyprus) has been seized, kept open, nationalized and used to start paying pensions again. For those in the United States who dream of ending or (better yet) nationalizing the Federal Reserve, these moves are exemplary, and alone should be sufficient cause to pop open some champagne and give a nice round of applause.

Webster Tarpley writes on tarpley.net:

The Kiev regime had ostentatiously cut off pensions and other social benefits it owed to residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions. Kiev regime boss Poroshenko formally promised at the Minsk 2 accords to resume these payments, but so far has failed to do so. But now the DPR has stepped in to make the payments for April, using the nationalized bank branches formerly controlled by the oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi.

Litvinov: “the state needs to push”

Novorossiya is implementing an ambitious program of strong dirigism, and a revolution built on the rejection of the Maidan-style “national fascism” as they call it.

In an interview with Halyna Mokrushyna for New Cold War.org in November 2014, he said, “we do not want Kyiv’s idea of building a mono-ethnic state.”

I was on Maidan Square three times – in November, when it all started, in December, and in early February. I saw how it all unfolded. In the second half of February, the wave reached us in Donetsk and Donetsk region. We stood up because we did not want Maidan ideology to invade our land…

We want to build a parliamentarian republic, based on the state’s ownership of land and its resources, of air and water spaces, a state’s strong control of economic process, and a socially oriented state.

Litvinov says that Novorossiya rejects the Feindbild of Russia being built up by the Kiev fascist clique, as well as their oligarchical economy.

In the above-mentioned interview with Halyna Mokrushyna, he states:

A third contradiction is the image of Russia as the enemy, which has been formed and imposed during 23 years of Ukrainian independence. It has been formed through education, ideology, arts. If a state creates an enemy, it has to protect itself against this enemy, or to fight it. Because Ukraine is too weak, it appeals to NATO and other Western allies. We know quite well that NATO cannot be allowed here, because this would be a direct threat to us and to our brothers and sisters in Russia…

As for Russia, we want to become a member of the Eurasian Union and we will do everything to make that happen.

Turning away from the Neoliberal rip-off economy

As reported by Webster Tarpley, they are building a mixed economy: private companies + a strong state sector. Electrical energy, for example, is viewed as a vital necessity and has been placed under control of the state and made a public utility. They are also fighting to restart their coal plants, a crucial element of the eastern Ukrainian economy. Half of their coal industry has been shut down, due to the war waged by Kiev against Donbass.

Litvinov, from businessweek.com, 18 Sept 2014:

“Our constitution says that the land, minerals, forests, water, and air resources belong to the state,” he says. And he should know-he wrote it. “The DPR believes that basic industries should be kept under state control,” he says, adding that it will also “nationalize the entire chain of electricity production.”

“At some stage,” Litvinov says, a public-private partnership in steel and energy “will be possible, with a controlling interest owned by the state, and the remaining shares controlled by the private investor.”

Novorossiya intends to be the world leader in the area of coal machine tools, something they have long excelled at. As Webster Tarpley points out, one of the key features of a viable and modern nation-state is being the world leader in something! China and Vietnamese delegations have already visited to consider buying coal machine tools which are gaining a great reputation.

Families must have the necessities

New, modern, state-owned supermarkets have been opened in the Donetsk People’s Republic, and agricultural cooperatives are being launched. It is simply not possible to build a real economy when people can’t afford to feed themselves! Someone needs to tell this to Poroshenko.  

donetsk-market-4   The first state-owned supermarket in Donetsk

Webster Tarpley: “These new supermarkets, along with energy, agriculture, and other industries, are launching a revived state sector in a mixed economy.”

Population has declined significantly since the days of the USSR, and many people have fled (mostly to Russia) since Kiev began the war against eastern Ukraine. In order to build a viable and sustainable economy and society, the government of Novorossiya wants to encourage population growth – the opposite of the disastrous one-child policy of China. Indeed, the target is three children per family. They hope to encourage an increase in marriages by providing the economic basis of the family – something seldom or never heard from the “family values” politicians of the American Republican Party! Families must have the necessities of life. Without this, any economic recovery program is simply not feasible. The US government perhaps doesn’t understand this, as shown by frequent talk of “jobless recoveries” – one of the great oxymorons of recent history. It is doubtful that the new government in Kiev could grasp such a concept, as they continue to bomb civilians in eastern Ukraine and never miss an opportunity to bow to their oligarchical masters who demand more and more austerity.

These are just a few of the measures being discussed and implemented in Novorossiya to relaunch their economy. If they are successful in their struggle to break away from the Kiev fascist clique – and it is sad that hardly anyone in the West, least of all American left liberals, supports them in this fight against fascism and neoliberal financiers – Novorossiya is positioned to become an economic success story, and the contrast between the two Ukraines will stand as a historical case study in how to and how not to run a nation.

Tarpley-Litvinov   Webster G. Tarpley and Boris Litvinov

As Webster Tarpley notes:

In addition to formulating economic policy, Litvinov can be considered the Thomas Jefferson of his country, since it was he — aided in the drafting by colleagues Cherkashin and Purgin — who worked through the night of April 6 to 7, 2015 to compose the Declaration of Independence of the new People’s Republic of Donetsk. In contrast to the wildly false and defamatory portrayal of these events by Wikipedia (“The entity was declared on 7 April 2014 by a group of armed and masked militants …”), Litvinov and his associates — all leading intellectuals — carefully studied precedents in international law as they prepared for independence. Livinov has been working with two economic institutes in Moscow in developing his reform plans. The result may establish the DPR as one of the leading laboratories for anti-globalization and anti-IMF economic reform worldwide.

American left libs, take note! Compare and contrast the economic program of Boris Litvinov and company, and the economic program of whoever it is you plan on voting for in 2016. You have much to ponder!

Webster G. Tarpley’s Eyewitness Report from the Donetsk People’s Republic:



An economic recovery program for America:




Stephen Cohen: Ukraine’s Full-Fledged Economic Meltdown:


How the EU Association Agreement Makes Existing Ukraine-Russia Trade Links Impossible:


Interview with Boris Litvinov:

Interview with Boris Litvinov


Brzezinski Mapped Out the Battle for Ukraine in 1997:


Russian Economy Rebounding Despite Dec. 2014 Predictions of Gloom, Western Media Disinfo

Misery — Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky

As I write this blog post, 1 US Dollar equals 57.90 Russian Ruble. In late 2014, the Ruble was plunging beyond 1 Dollar to 80+ Rubles.

In December of 2014, the Western media was overflowing with Schadenfreude over the declining Ruble, and predictions of total economic collapse and misery for Russia. Bloomberg (or Gloomberg) provides one example of Western media gloating over the prospects of Russian misery:

Putin’s Mantra of Russia Stability Unravels as Ruble in Meltdown:

“How many bankruptcies await us in January?” opposition lawmaker Dmitry Gudkov said on Twitter. “People will be out of work, out of money. The nightmare is only just beginning.”

“People thought: ‘he’s a strong leader who brought order and helped improve our living standards,” said Dmitry Oreshkin, an independent political analyst in Moscow. “And now it’s the same Putin, he’s still got all the power, but everything is collapsing.”

“After 2009, there was a quick recovery,” Rogov said. “Now we’re facing an uncontrollable shock. This undermines trust in Putin’s whole economic model.”


Paul Krugman: Putin’s Bubble Bursts:

Sorry, Putin. Russia’s economy is doomed:

This Washington Post article is no longer available – I wonder why. 🙂


Color Revolutions & Financial Warfare against Russia:

The Ruble Crisis of December 2014 and Gloating Hyenas: As the ruble slides, many pundits point to Western sanctions as the cause. This is pure fantasy! The main reason is the falling price of oil. And where should we look for the cause of this? Let’s go back to last year and look at Putin’s support of Assad in the face of Western plans for invasion of Syria on the ridiculous pretext that Assad gassed his own people in a chemical weapon attack. Many Western leaders, especially in London and in the US State Department, were annoyed with Putin and his support of Assad, but only one person actually visited Moscow to threaten Putin in person if he wouldn’t back down: Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar! At the time, he issued thinly veiled threats of terrorist attacks at the upcoming Sochi Olympics, but are we now seeing Prince Bandar’s threats manifesting themselves in the form of plunging oil prices?

Color Revolutions & Financial Warfare against Russia

Not so fast!

Now even Gloomberg has to admit that the Russian economy is doing OK and surviving the sanctions, even thriving because of them:

Russian economy revives despite sanctions – Bloomberg:

The Russian economy has seen a notable rebound with businesses recovering despite a year of contraction caused by Western sanctions. Fluctuations in the domestic currency have narrowed, which brought investors back into the market.




Russia Rebounds, Despite Sanctions – Bloomberg:

Investors in Russian government securities denominated in rubles have earned the equivalent of 7 cents on the dollar so far this year, as measured by the Bloomberg Russia Local Sovereign Bond Index. In contrast, anyone holding similar government debt in emerging markets across-the-board has lost 1.1 percent in 2015.

The picture is even rosier for Russia’s corporate bondholders; they’ve had a 7.3 percent total return in 2015, leading the gains in the index for emerging market corporate bonds compiled by Bloomberg. And while shareholders in the global emerging market stocks measured by the MSCI Emerging Market Index gained 1.7 percent this year, the 50 Russian stocks in the Micex index are up 11.9 percent — better than the Standard & Poor’s 500 or any other North American market.

The ruble’s relative value helps explain why there are some signs of confidence in Russia. Although the ruble remains the most volatile of the 31 most-traded currencies this year, its swings are narrowing. This is visible in implied volatility, a measure of traders’ bets on how much the currency’s value will change day-to-day. After surging in late 2014 amid the widening Ukraine crisis, the ruble now is fluctuating the way it did in 2009.

Business also appears to be on the rebound. Some 78 percent of the Russian companies in the Micex index showed greater annual sales growth than their global peers, even though the shares of these Russian companies lagged behind their international competitors, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That’s consistent with a two-year improvement in the relative value of Russian companies.

One possible reason for the growth? Sanctions. With foreign goods unavailable, Russians had to choose homegrown products and services.


The Utter Failure of Western Media

So the Russian misery Schadenfreude party has to be postponed. It’s just too bad these media outlets never apologize for their appallingly poor analytical skills and lack of any journalistic integrity – which unfortunately leads them to rely on some of the most spurious sources available on the Internet, like the Brown Moses Blog:

The West’s Go-to MH17 Expert Is a Social Media Hack Who Pushed Syria Chemical Attack Lies:

Desperate for details to confirm US/Kiev accusations about MH17, Western media outlets turn to a dubious social media aggregator whose claims about the East Ghouta chemical attack in Syria were debunked by an actual arms control expert from MIT.

Der Spiegel publishes a “scoop” by Berlin-based Corrrectiv magazine and British blogger Eliot Higgins alleging that MH17 was shot down by a BUK surface to air missile launcher from Russia


The Brown Moses blog of Eliot Higgins:



Human Rights Watch – Attacks on Ghouta – Methodology:

In its investigation, Human Rights Watch was assisted by arms experts including Nic Jenzen-Jones, author of “The Rogue Adventurer”, as well as the independent investigation conducted by Eliot Higgins of the “Brown Moses” blog, who collected and analyzed photos and videos from the attacks.


The mainstream western media has been woeful in its coverage of the recent crises in Ukraine and Syria, demonstrating deficiencies in their research and reporting that go far beyond the typical biases against all things Russian and Arab, in many cases displaying sheer ignorance of the basic issues at stake in the two regions on a grand scale.

BBC Now Admits: Armed Nazis Led “Revolution” in Kiev, Ukraine:


What the Story of Putin’s “Disappearance” Says about How the West Misunderstands Russia:


Sorcha Faal

Western mainstream media cannot be singled out for criticism without mentioning a few of the rotten alternative sources which have appeared and have been quoted from frequently of late. Many of them trace back to the ultra-dubious Sorcha Faal of whatdoesitmean.com.

The way it seems to work is, something gets posted to Sorcha Faal’s website whatdoesitmean.com, and immediately gets picked up by a host of similarly delusional sites – perhaps even related, sister sites. These include The European Union Times and YourNewsWire.com.

Who is Sorcha Faal? The short answer is, he/she is a disinfo agent.

For the long answer, the entry on Rational Wiki will suffice:


Let’s have a look at some recent Sorcha Faal headlines:

“Prepare For Nuclear War” Russia Warns Citizens As US Tanks Flood Into Europe

Just Hours Away From Nuclear War, America Remains Asleep

Bodies Of US Soldiers Killed In Ukraine Float Ashore In Florida

Moscow Bomb Shelters Begin To Fill As Russia Prepares For War

Top US Commander Under Arrest For Refusing To Fire Nukes At Russia

Here’s yet another fantastic example of Sorcha Faal’s insanity:

US Laser Test Destroys Germanwings Airliner Killing 150 Innocent Civilians:


Any time you see extremely sensationalist headlines of this nature, run the titles through a search engine and see if the exact same headlines are copied at whatdoesitmean.com or The European Union Times. Make a note of any other websites that are playing along in this game of disinfo and discrediting legitimate criticism of NATO/Anglo-American foreign policy.

Here’s a recent one from yournewswire.com:

Russia may lift food embargo for Greece if they leave the EU:


Russia has indicated that they will lift the food embargo on Greece, Cyprus and Hungary, but have not made it contingent upon Greece leaving the EU. Stories like this are made up out of thin air. The ultimate motives of these websites can only be imagined until they are linked conclusively to whatever foundations and NGOs support or create them.

Hungary, Cyprus and Greece first to return to Russian market after sanctions lifted:

Food products from Hungary, Greece and Cyprus may be the first to return to Russian supermarket shelves once the food embargo ends, said Sergei Dankvert, head of Rosselkhoznadzor, the Russian agricultural watchdog.


Given the BBC’s reliance on sites such as the Brown Moses blog, we can only wonder whether they will soon turn to the mad ramblings of Sorcha Faal!

Other (foundation-funded) websites and news sources to be wary of:

Caucasian Knot: http://eng.kavkaz-uzel.ru/

Meduza: https://meduza.io/en

The Moscow Times: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/

(To be continued!)

Some recommended alternatives to mainstream media disinfo:

21st Century Wire: http://21stcenturywire.com/

New Eastern Outlook: http://journal-neo.org/

Voltaire Network: http://www.voltairenet.org/en

Global Research: http://www.globalresearch.ca/

Sputnik International: http://sputniknews.com/

Tarpley.net: http://tarpley.net/

RT: http://rt.com/

Activist Post: http://www.activistpost.com/

CounterPunch: http://www.counterpunch.org/

The Anti-Media: http://theantimedia.org/

Press TV: http://presstv.com/

Truthdig: http://www.truthdig.com/

Zero Hedge: http://www.zerohedge.com/

Strategic Culture: http://www.strategic-culture.org/

Oriental Review: http://orientalreview.org/

Consortium News: https://consortiumnews.com/

Committee for East-West Accord

US Needs New Edition of American Committee for East-West Accord To Promote War Avoidance Against Ruling Class Anti-Putin Hysteria:

US Needs New Edition of American Committee for East-West Accord To Promote War Avoidance Against Ruling Class Anti-Putin Hysteria: US Fed Must Help Greece; Pablo Iglesias of Podemos Refuses to Call For 50% Haircut for Athens’ Creditors; Free Rev. Pinkney Now!

Is it time to bring back the Committee on East-West Accord?:


Round Table on ‘Defining a New Security Architecture for Europe that Brings Russia in from the Cold’ with John Mearsheimer, Stephen F. Cohen, Katrina Vandenheuvel. Q&A. Gilbert Doctorow, moderator:

Non-Kremlin Sources on the Ukraine Crisis


There is the idea that if you argue in favor of the Russian perspective, or against the Kiev fascist clique/Euromaidan perspective, this means you have become a victim (or are a paid agent) of Russian propaganda, or the “Kremlin propaganda machine” as it’s often called.

This issue is a distraction, but it keeps coming up, so we’re going to address it here. People like this guy can’t formulate an argument based on facts and evidence, so they believe they can counter anything they disagree with by saying it’s from a Russian source:

Roman K: Try to do a little research (not katsap sources) and maybe you will learn a little history and reality… you are aware that muscovy is home to nearly half the world’s fascists & nazis, right? Many are putler’s buddies… You are aware that katsaps, including the main katsap, collaborated with hitler, right? You are aware that you are so full of katsap useful idiot propaganda, right?

Note: Katsap is a derogatory term for Russian used by Ukrainians.

We haven’t done “a little research” and don’t know “a little history” like you, Roman. We’ve done a lot of research and know a lot of history too. Perhaps it isn’t the Russophobic, revanchist, whine-fest version of history taught in Ukrainian and other eastern European schools, but it’s never too late for you!

Here are just a few of the non-Katsap, non-Kremlin-funded, non-Russian sources we use in our research of the Ukraine crisis and its connection to the political situation in Russia. Inclusion in this list does not denote endorsement of the individual’s overall views:

John Pilger: Australian-British journalist.





Propaganda Has Triumphed over Journalism, and the Consequences Are Enormous:


In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia:


Stephen F. Cohen: professor emeritus at New York University and Princeton University.



The American Who Dared Make Putin’s Case:


Patriotic Heresy vs. the New Cold War:


George Friedman: American political scientist, founder and CEO of STRATFOR.



Head of Stratfor, ‘Private CIA,’ Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was ‘The Most Blatant Coup in History’:


Washington was behind Ukraine Coup d’Etat, In Response to Russia’s Stance on Syria:


April 30, 2014; Dr. George Friedman – Thoughts from Ukraine:


Borderlands – The View Beyond Ukraine:


Dr. Webster G. Tarpley: American historian, philosopher of history, author, and journalist.



World Crisis Radio

Brzezinski Clan Color Revolution vs. Diebold Vote Fraud In New Hampshire:


Obama Is Zbigniew Brzezinski Puppet:


The men behind Obama – interview with Webster Tarpley:


Ukraine, so to speak, asking for it:


Metaphysical Doubts Concerning the Existence of Modern Ukraine, a 1918 Creation of the German General Staff:


Henry Kissinger: American diplomat and political scientist, former National Security Advisor, and Secretary of State in the administrations of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

Spiegel Interview with Henry Kissinger – Do We Achieve World Order Through Chaos or Insight?:


To settle the Ukraine crisis, start at the end:


Kissinger urges policy, not posturing, on Ukraine crisis:


Robert Parry: investigative reporter.


‘Group-Thinking’ the World into a New War:


NYT Is Lost in Its Ukraine Propaganda:


Who’s Telling the ‘Big Lie’ on Ukraine?:


The Putin-Did-It Conspiracy Theory:


Ukraine – the ‘new Hitler’ and the Vladimir-Putin-did-it conspiracy theory:


Dennis Kucinich: former U.S. Representative from Ohio, and candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the 2004 and 2008.



Is NATO’s Trojan Horse Riding Toward the Ukraine Spring?:


Dennis Kucinich Blames US Meddling for Russian Invasion:


Dennis Kucinich and Lawrence Wilkerson Expose US Role in Creating Ukraine Crisis:


Three Members of Congress Just Reignited the Cold War While No One Was Looking:


Paul Craig Roberts: American economist, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, and a co-founder of Reaganomics.



Western Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun:


How Can You Tell Whether Russia Has Invaded Ukraine?:


Washington Piles Lie Upon Lie:


Putin Just Warned The West It Faces These Terrifying Consequences:


Pat Buchanan: American conservative political commentator, author, syndicated columnist, former Presidential candidate, senior advisor to Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan, and an original host on CNN’s Crossfire.




A Foreign Policy of Russophobia:


Is Putin Worse Than Stalin?:


Ukraine’s Crisis, Not Ours:


Pepe Escobar: Brazilian journalist.



The IMF Goes to War in Ukraine:


Washington plays Russian roulette:


Checkmate Ahead – Russia Is Beating the U.S. In the Chess Game Over Ukraine:


The new European ‘arc of instability’:


Ron Paul: American physician, author, former Republican congressman and Presidential candidate.



What Does The US Government Want in Ukraine?:


Ron Paul slams US on Crimea crisis and says Russia sanctions are ‘an act of war’:


Ron Paul to Obama – Let’s just leave Ukraine alone!:


Udo Ulfkotte: German journalist, former editor for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and advisor to the Kohl government.


German politicians are US puppets:


European media writing pro-US stories under CIA pressure (VIDEO):


Leading German Journalist Admits CIA ‘Bribed’ Him and Other Leaders of the Western Press:


Oliver Stone: American film director, screenwriter, producer.


Oliver Stone’s New Movie – “Ukraine: The CIA Coup” Coming To A Theater Near You:


Oliver Stone on Ukraine Protests – “The Truth Is Not Being Aired in the West”:


Ukrainians are suffering from US ‘ideological crusade’ against Russia:


CIA Fingerprints All Over Ukraine Coup:


Ray McGovern: retired CIA officer, political activist.



Ukraine – One Regime Change Too Many?:


Europe will now think twice before following Washington’s orders – Ex-CIA Officer Ray McGovern:


Ray McGovern on Russia’s Humanitarian ‘Invasion’:


The Risk of a Ukraine Bloodbath:


Wayne Madsen: American investigative journalist, author and columnist.



The Secret Agenda of Ashton and Nuland Revealed:


The History of the Ukrainian-American Cabal Stoking the Euro-Maidan Protests in Ukraine:


Ukraine is a Neo-Con Testing Ground for Russia by Wayne Madsen:


Tony Cartalucci: geopolitical researcher and writer based in Bangkok, Thailand.



Russian Tanks in Ukraine? Consider the Source:


Ukraine – Nazis in Plain Sight:


NATO Hopes for A “Russian Invasion” of Ukraine:


Daniel McAdams: journalist, foreign affairs advisor to former US Congressman Ron Paul.



Fmr. Bush National Security Advisor – Start WWIII With Russia!:


Gen. Breedlove Announces More Aid to Ukraine Military, Denounces Russian ‘Militarization’:


Students for Liberty – The ‘Regime Change’ Libertarians:


US hypocrisy over Ukraine ‘absolutely stunning’:


Events in E. Ukraine ‘beginning of ethnic cleansing campaign’:


Noam Chomsky: American linguist, political commentator.




Red Lines in Ukraine and Elsewhere:


ISIS, Ukraine, and Gaza:


Chomsky and Kissinger – Don’t Increase US Military Involvement in Ukraine:


Noam Chomsky on the History Behind the Islamic State Group and Putin’s Actions in Ukraine:


George Galloway: British politician, broadcaster, writer.



The West is guilty of deep, laughable hypocrisy over Crimea:


The US is a Knuckle-dragging, Low Grade Moronic Culture:


Russia Has Every Right To Act In Ukraine (Video):


West created Frankenstein monster in Ukraine:


Peter Hitchens: English journalist.


Forget ‘evil’ Putin – we are the bloodthirsty warmongers:


Still not Getting the Point on Ukraine:


Beware of this nation steeped in blood and carpeted with graves:


We’re being dragged into a new Cold War by a puffed-up bullfrog (and I don’t mean President Putin):


Zbigniew Brzezinski: Polish-American political scientist, geostrategist, U.S. National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981.


Brzezinski Mapped Out the Battle for Ukraine in 1997:


The outrageous strategy to destroy Russia:
















Condemning Russia and torturing prisoners? Contact Congress NOW – THIS MEANS YOU!


“Do people accused of witchcraft deserve a fair trial? Or should government be allowed to capture and torture them?” – Bruce Fenton

While Congress is busy condemning Russia (H. RES. 758) and pushing the world closer to a global conflict that could end in nuclear holocaust, the CIA Torture Report has been released to the shock and horror (or shock and awe) of the entire world. The hypocrisy and recklessness of this situation is intolerable to the extreme!

Only 10 Members of Congress Opposed Bill Pushing for War with Russia:


Contact your Representative in Congress now! If you are writing to a member of the House of Representatives, send the text below or your own version. Personally, I am sending this letter to every representative who voted for H. RES. 758.

Find Your Representative:


Adam Kinzinger, as mentioned above, deserves special attention for this shocking piece of legislation. Be sure to let this shallow creep know that what he has done will not be forgotten:


H.Res. 758 is a Russophobic rant full of falsehoods and steeped in superpower hypocrisy. – Patrick Buchanan


Dear Congressman / Congresswoman X,

How dare you vote yes on H. RES. 758 “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin”, when we find out mere days later about the crimes against humanity described in the CIA Torture Report!

Do you have no shame? Does anyone in our government have any shame or accountability?

How dare the Bush Administration sanction these horrendous acts of torture that, now publicly revealed, bring shame and dishonor upon our great nation!

How dare the Obama Administration neglect investigating and trying all guilty parties, bringing further shame and disgrace upon us all!

How dare Congress allow and enable these war crimes and atrocities which will go down in history as one of the darkest and most disgraceful chapters in our history! How does it feel to be complicit in a chapter of American history which rivals slavery and Native American genocide?

You may say you didn’t know. If you are lying and covering up your own knowledge of or complicity in these atrocities, we the people call upon you to step down from office immediately.

If you are telling the truth, this means that you were negligent to the extreme in your duties and we call upon you to step down from office immediately.

You may say that you were not holding office when these atrocities occurred. In that case, please explain why you neglected to carry out your duty to investigate this matter and work to hold those responsible accountable for their actions, while wasting time and resources involving yourself in the senseless condemnation of Russia for activities which you have provided no evidence of? Your shameless hypocrisy will not be tolerated any longer. We call upon you to step down from office immediately.

Therefore, we demand immediate apologies to:

-all injured parties and their families;

-everyone in the United States and around the world who has been lied to;

-everyone whose life has been shattered by these shameful policies;

-Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian people who you have attempted to smear and defame with your hypocritical and highly dubious accusations;

-Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian people who have suffered under our misguided policy of regime change in Syria, leading to the chaos that now exists in their nation;

-the people of nations around the world who live with the consequences of the US government’s insane ideology of “the responsibility to protect” which is now revealed to be “the licence to destabilize and torture”.

-every taxpayer who has unwittingly funded these atrocities in their name.

After issuing your apologies, you are ordered to step down from office.

In other words, you’re fired!



Also contact your Senators and demand they vote no on this reckless and insane piece of legislation!

Contacting Senators:


Keep saying no to war against Russia!:
Meanwhile in Michigan… a Human Rights Violation You May Have Missed!:
Death and destruction in Eastern Ukraine – in their own words:
The Odessa Massacre:
The Crimea referendum – why you probably shouldn’t care:
Ukrainian uprising / coup – Some things you may have missed:
Modern Russophobia:
Russophobia II – a vague and confused sense of paranoia:
Russian Propaganda and the Rainbow Bridge of Hysteria:
What’s Next for Ukraine?:
Did Assad gas his own people, or is this a false flag attack by the opposition?:
What should Obama call the next war?: