Tag Archives: genocide

Scandal: John McCain is ashamed of America, supports fascists and terrorists


Senator John McCain has been one of the leading advocates of arming the fascist junta of Kiev and the ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria. Now he says he is ashamed of America!

John McCain: I’m ashamed of my country:

“This is a shameful chapter. I’m ashamed of my country. I’m ashamed of my president. And I’m ashamed of myself,” McCain said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

McCain, a former presidential candidate, strongly believes the US should be providing weapons to Ukraine’s government, which is battling Russian-backed separatists.


Senator McCain continues with his anti-American rant:

“Honestly, it’s terrible,” McCain said. “The Ukrainians aren’t asking for American boots on the ground.”

Yes, they are!

“That’s not the question here. They’re asking for weapons to defend themselves.”

And when they get those weapons, what do they do with them?



“And they are being slaughtered.”

Yeah, the eastern Ukrainians are being slaughtered – by the Kiev fascist clique!


In the Words of the Eastern Ukrainians


 Fascist Friends

John McCain has lost his mind. He has become a reckless warmonger and a raving, hysterical Russophobe with absolutely no regard for American interests or the lives of American troops, who are being put at risk of a bloody, devastating war with Russia for the benefit of his fascist friends in Kiev.

1mccain-with-neonazi-in-ukraine   John McCain with Ukrainian fascist Oleh Tyahnibok.

John McCain Went To Ukraine And Stood On Stage With A Man Accused Of Being An Anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi:





So you say there are no Nazis in Ukraine?

 McCain to Protesters: Get out of here, you lowlife scum!

Kissinger, Schultz, And Albright Testify At Senate Hearing On US Nat'l Security

Senator McCain is willing to risk a war with Russia (a great strategic ally of the US) over Ukraine (a country of no strategic value to the US) in order to bring “democacy” to Ukraine (which they already had.) But notice how he reacts when American citizens dare to speak up:

John McCain tells protesters at hearing – Get out of here, you lowlife scum:



Who’s the Low Life Scum?:

Who’s the “Low Life Scum”?

But… come on! Why would anyone want to arrest a nice guy like Henry Kissinger? 

 McCain Supports ISIS

Senator McCain also believes in supporting ISIS terrorists in Syria in order to overthrow the democratically-elected President Bashar al-Assad.



#ArrestMcCain4ISIS Arrest McCain for Aiding ISIS:


John McCain admits he met ISIS and says “We know these people intimately”

John McCain: Has Rand Paul ever been to Syria? Has he ever met with ISIS? I know these people. I’m in contact with them all the time.

Overwhelming Evidence That John McCain Met With ISIS-Allied Rebels:



 Ashamed of America and the President?

So John McCain supports Neo-Nazis in Kiev and ISIS terrorists in Syria… and now he says he’s ashamed of America?

As many people have pointed out, if George W. Bush had done any of the things Obama has been doing, like drone-striking women and children throughout the Middle East and helping to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi, leaving Libya in utter chaos and turmoil, the left libs would be screaming bloody murder!

But now imagine if Obama had said the things John McCain has said. What if Obama announced that he was ashamed of America? How would the right-wingers on Fox News react to that? Probably the same way they reacted to these less harmful incidents:

Obama Gives Marines a Latte Salute:






Michelle Obama Takes Heat for Saying She’s ‘Proud of My Country’ for the First Time:


Does Michelle Obama Dislike America?:



Obama Attended Hate America Sermon:


Fox Analyst – Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech Sounded Like Rev. Wright:

Johnson ultimately declared that Obama’s message was one of “guilt,” “shame,” and “remorse,” and said the entire Obama Administration is “confused” and “needs therapy.” He added that the U.S. has nothing to be ashamed of and should not be showing sympathy. “The president’s comments, in my view, are not helpful and are confused and confusing,” Johnson concluded. “And he needs quickly to make it clear what he really means about American exceptionalism, superiority, and keeping America safe.”

Fox Analyst: Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech Sounded Like Rev. Wright

Why would anyone think Obama doesn’t love America? Plenty of reasons:


You don’t own 9/11 – Jon Stewart tears Rudy Giuliani apart:


Rush Limbaugh: Obama Shatters Our Self-Esteem; Denies American Exceptionalism:

Obama Shatters Our Self-Esteem; Denies American Exceptionalism

I never thought I would find myself defending President Obama, but here we are! Obama is far from perfect, but he has tried (in his own pathetic way) to slow down the “bomb everything that moves” agenda, at least since the disaster of Libya, and now he finds himself under constant attack by neocon nutjobs like John McCain. Obama should at least be supported when he wavers on the warmongering agenda, because wavering is better than what the Republicans have in mind, which is – war with Russia to oust Putin and support Kiev’s genocide in eastern Ukraine, war in Syria to remove Assad, and more war in Iraq.

 Enough is Enough!

Senator John McCain is a lowlife scum, and I am ashamed of him! #ArrestMcCain4ISIS

Keep Saying No to War Against Russia:

Keep Saying No to War Against Russia!

Condemning Russia and torturing prisoners? Contact Congress now:

Condemning Russia and torturing prisoners? Contact Congress NOW – THIS MEANS YOU!


When the US says Navalny, Russia should say Pinkney:

When the US says Navalny, Russia should say Pinkney!

To Hell with the warmonger agenda! Let’s get busy on the economy of America now!


Russophobia is not an economic recovery program for Ukraine!


Warmongering is not an economic recovery program for America!



Forget all our other troubles – the Russians are coming!:

The gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow. Train and bus fares continue to rise. Twice as many people are living in poverty than 30 years ago. And our National Health Service is being privatized before our very eyes. But hey – we Brits must forget about all those things – because there’s something far more important to worry about. The Russians are coming!


Beware the neocon warmonger clique: NATO Commander Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, US Army European Commander Gen. Ben Hodges, ISIS Czar John Allen, Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, Gen. Jack Keane, Gen. David Petraeus, US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Jen Psaki, and Senator John McCain.


Rev. Edward Pinkney’s First Interview from Prison Broadcast on World Crisis Radio; Anglo-American Hysteria Mounts as Pro-Russian Forces Close in on Debaltseve-Vuhlehirsk Pocket in Ukraine, Value of Hryvnia Collapses; European Defense Ministers Block Arms for Kiev Fascists; Tsipras and Varoufakis Knock Out Troika, Start Diplomatic Offensive vs. Genocidal Austerity as Putin Signals Support

ISIS Czar Allen, Psaki, FBI Push Obama Towards More Conflict in Syria, Ukraine, DPRK; Pope Francis Attempts to Check Warmonger Influence with Cuban Gambit; Putin Ready to Defeat Coup; Saudi Prince Bandar the New Herod as US-UK Speculative Attack on Russian Ruble Continues; Exchange and Capital Controls Urgent; Which Zombie Bank Will Follow Long Term Capital Management into Bankruptcy this Time Around?; Rev. Pinkney Gets 30 Months to Ten Years in Frameup, Jailed in Solitary to Hamper Appeal as Heritage Foundation Jim Crow Enforcers Gloat – #FireAllen4Xmas!

Defending Ukraine from Russian imperialism?:

In Bertrand Russell’s A History of Western Philosophy, the philosopher delivered his summarization of the writings of Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas thusly, “Before he begins to philosophize, he already knows the truth; it is declared in the Catholic faith. If he can find apparently rational arguments for some parts of the faith, so much the better; if he cannot, he need only fall back on revelation. The finding of arguments for a conclusion given in advance is not philosophy, but special pleading.”

American foreign policy is determined in much the same fashion…

One lie is that Putin has a feverishly expansionist foreign policy. No evidence exists for this claim, repeated ad nauseum in the West…

Another lie is that we know Russia was behind the downing of MH17…

A third lie is that the toppling of Viktor Yanukovych was a democratic uprising…

A fourth lie is that Western sanctions against Russia are merited, since they are based on Russian aggression…

This isn’t nuanced propaganda. It isn’t hedging or garden variety bias. It’s flat-out mendacity…

How soon before the term “Hun” starts circulating?


Lavrov – US must stop acting like global prosecutor, judge and executioner:


US Rep in Ukraine Spends All Day Bashing Russia on Twitter:


No Weapons to Ukraine – An Open letter to the U.S Senate:




Condemning Russia and torturing prisoners? Contact Congress NOW – THIS MEANS YOU!


“Do people accused of witchcraft deserve a fair trial? Or should government be allowed to capture and torture them?” – Bruce Fenton

While Congress is busy condemning Russia (H. RES. 758) and pushing the world closer to a global conflict that could end in nuclear holocaust, the CIA Torture Report has been released to the shock and horror (or shock and awe) of the entire world. The hypocrisy and recklessness of this situation is intolerable to the extreme!

Only 10 Members of Congress Opposed Bill Pushing for War with Russia:


Contact your Representative in Congress now! If you are writing to a member of the House of Representatives, send the text below or your own version. Personally, I am sending this letter to every representative who voted for H. RES. 758.

Find Your Representative:


Adam Kinzinger, as mentioned above, deserves special attention for this shocking piece of legislation. Be sure to let this shallow creep know that what he has done will not be forgotten:


H.Res. 758 is a Russophobic rant full of falsehoods and steeped in superpower hypocrisy. – Patrick Buchanan


Dear Congressman / Congresswoman X,

How dare you vote yes on H. RES. 758 “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin”, when we find out mere days later about the crimes against humanity described in the CIA Torture Report!

Do you have no shame? Does anyone in our government have any shame or accountability?

How dare the Bush Administration sanction these horrendous acts of torture that, now publicly revealed, bring shame and dishonor upon our great nation!

How dare the Obama Administration neglect investigating and trying all guilty parties, bringing further shame and disgrace upon us all!

How dare Congress allow and enable these war crimes and atrocities which will go down in history as one of the darkest and most disgraceful chapters in our history! How does it feel to be complicit in a chapter of American history which rivals slavery and Native American genocide?

You may say you didn’t know. If you are lying and covering up your own knowledge of or complicity in these atrocities, we the people call upon you to step down from office immediately.

If you are telling the truth, this means that you were negligent to the extreme in your duties and we call upon you to step down from office immediately.

You may say that you were not holding office when these atrocities occurred. In that case, please explain why you neglected to carry out your duty to investigate this matter and work to hold those responsible accountable for their actions, while wasting time and resources involving yourself in the senseless condemnation of Russia for activities which you have provided no evidence of? Your shameless hypocrisy will not be tolerated any longer. We call upon you to step down from office immediately.

Therefore, we demand immediate apologies to:

-all injured parties and their families;

-everyone in the United States and around the world who has been lied to;

-everyone whose life has been shattered by these shameful policies;

-Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian people who you have attempted to smear and defame with your hypocritical and highly dubious accusations;

-Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian people who have suffered under our misguided policy of regime change in Syria, leading to the chaos that now exists in their nation;

-the people of nations around the world who live with the consequences of the US government’s insane ideology of “the responsibility to protect” which is now revealed to be “the licence to destabilize and torture”.

-every taxpayer who has unwittingly funded these atrocities in their name.

After issuing your apologies, you are ordered to step down from office.

In other words, you’re fired!



Also contact your Senators and demand they vote no on this reckless and insane piece of legislation!

Contacting Senators:


Keep saying no to war against Russia!:
Meanwhile in Michigan… a Human Rights Violation You May Have Missed!:
Death and destruction in Eastern Ukraine – in their own words:
The Odessa Massacre:
The Crimea referendum – why you probably shouldn’t care:
Ukrainian uprising / coup – Some things you may have missed:
Modern Russophobia:
Russophobia II – a vague and confused sense of paranoia:
Russian Propaganda and the Rainbow Bridge of Hysteria:
What’s Next for Ukraine?:
Did Assad gas his own people, or is this a false flag attack by the opposition?:
What should Obama call the next war?: