Tag Archives: McCain

Wait! You’re bombing the wrong terrorists!


When you said you were going to bomb the terrorists, we didn’t think you were serious!

The US couldn’t find any “moderate” rebels in 3 years. Apparently the Russians did within 24 hours! – Mark Adomanis

The anti-Putin, Russophobe whine-fest is about to reach a new peak of absurdity as the US accuses Russia of bombing the moderate Syrian rebels instead of ISIS – the problem is that there has never been a “moderate” opposition in Syria distinguishable from ISIS. This is why more than a year of American “attacks” on ISIS have yielded no results. The US has been supporting and funding the “moderate” opposition to Assad while supposedly attacking ISIS, only to find that our own weapons end up in the hands of ISIS! And now, Russia is going after all of them, whatever they may call themselves: ISIS, ISIL, IS, Nusra, al Qaeda, the moderate Syrian rebels, the Free Syria Army, the moderate Syrian ISIS terrorists…

So now, the message Russia is getting from Washington is: stop bombing the Nusra branch of al Qaeda and bomb the ISIS branch of al Qaeda! But since they all work together to overthrow President Assad, they are all on the same side and completely indistinguishable from each other.

: ?


The US government and military-industrial complex are furious at Vladimir Putin for coming to the UNGA in New York and trolling everyone by offering to help America in the fight against ISIS, because the sad truth is, America has not been fighting ISIS – they have, along with Turkey and Saudi Arabia, been trying to remove Assad from power at all costs. Putin (displaying the skills of both master statesman and expert troll) called everyone on this bluff and left the “international community” with a question which will echo down through the years as the iconic quote of the age of the War on Terror: DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU’VE DONE?

So let the next round of hysterical Russia-bashing begin!

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Russian Airstrike in Syria Targeted CIA-Backed Rebels, U.S. Officials Say

Russia launched airstrikes in Syria on Wednesday, catching U.S. and Western officials off guard and drawing new condemnation as evidence suggested Moscow wasn’t targeting extremist group Islamic State, but rather other opponents of Bashar al-Assad’s regime. One of the airstrikes hit an area primarily held by rebels backed by the Central Intelligence Agency and allied spy services, U.S. officials said, catapulting the Syrian crisis to a new level of danger and uncertainty. Moscow’s entry means the world’s most powerful militaries—including the U.S., Britain and France—now are flying uncoordinated combat missions, heightening the risk of conflict in the skies over Syria. U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Russia’s approach to the Syrian war—defending Mr. Assad while ostensibly targeting extremists—was tantamount to “pouring gasoline on the fire.” “I have been dealing with them for a long time. And this is not the kind of behavior that we should expect professionally from the Russian military,” Mr. Carter said at a Pentagon news conference. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and said he raised U.S. concerns about attacks that target regime opponents other than Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. In Syria’s multi-sided war, Mr. Assad’s military—aided by Iran and the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah—is fighting both Islamic State and opposition rebel groups, some of which are supported by the U.S. and its allies.


Wow! CIA-backed rebels? I thought that was a conspiracy theory!

Who are the moderate rebels? http://tinyurl.com/nya7854

Don’t expect a lot of thanks from the US, Russia, but maybe the Europeans will at least give you a tip of the hat for doing something constructive to address the refugee crisis!


Webster G. Tarpley: After a year of phony war vs ISIS, US whines that Russia is hitting al Qaeda-Nusra, not al Qaeda-ISIS.

Jeffrey Laubach: “Enough is enough. Mainstream media are now reporting that Russian airstrikes targeted “Western-backed moderate” rebel forces, rather than ISIS. Please keep in mind that the U.S. just cancelled a failed program to train and arm “moderate” rebel forces that spent $500 million and yielded only a few dozen fighters who are now either dead or have defected to al-Qaeda. So now who is this magical army of moderate freedom fighters that the Western governments are supposedly backing that the Russians have just hit? The FSA? The same second rate mafia made up of thieves and brigands who have made absolutely no secret of their alliance with al-Qaeda? Or is it the Islamic Front? The so-called “moderate” Islamists backed by Saudi Arabia whose leader, Zahran Alloush (who’s known to carry a Hello Kitty notebook) has openly called for the extermination of all of Syria’s Alawis and Shias? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

Russia begins airstrikes in Syria; U.S. warns of new concerns in conflict http://tinyurl.com/pb4649e

This Is How Russia Handles Terrorists: Moscow Releases Video Of Syria Strikes

Now that Russia has officially begun conducting airstrikes on anti-regime forces operating in Syria, commentators, pundits, and analysts around the world will be keen to compare and contrast the results of Moscow’s efforts with the year-old US-led air campaign against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq. Clearly, Russia has a very real incentive to ensure that its airstrikes are effective. Preserving the global balance of power means preserving the Assad regime and, by extension, ensuring that Iran maintains its regional influence. On the other hand, the US and its regional allies actually have an incentive to ensure that their airstrikes are minimally effective. That is, for the US, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, the idea is not to kill Frankenstein, but rather to ensure that he doesn’t escape the lab.


Terrorist training camp & command HQ annihilated in Russian MoD-released combat footage (VIDEO)


Russia in Syria: When the propaganda is kind of true – Russia bombing ‘U.S.-trained’ nutjobs

Kerry and Lavrov both know what’s really going on here: the U.S. has numerous assets among the terrorist groups, it doesn’t really want them defeated, but it must make a show of it in order to keep up the public pretense of wanting to fight terrorism. Perhaps Russia is even giving the U.S. and its allies a chance to remove key assets from within their mercenary groups operating in Syria. There’s not much else they can do, having been cornered by Russia’s quick action. And, what? No mention of Assad resigning? Whodathunkit! Kerry basically admitted defeat, and Lavrov didn’t even gloat. After being caught with their pants down, the U.S.’s options are rather limited at this point in time in response to Russia. But they’re really trying their best, making two basic claims via the media: 1) Russia isn’t really targeting ISIS, 2) Russia is killing civilians. For example, yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that at least one airstrike targeted U.S.-trained and -supported rebels.


The key to Russian success in attacking ISIS will be coordinating airstrikes with the Syrian Army – something the US “coalition” has refused to do:


Vladimir Putin: The only real way to fight international terrorism is to take the initiative and fight and destroy the terrorists in the territory they have already captured rather than waiting for them to arrive on our soil.


Lionel: Russia Clobbers ISIS in Syria. So Where’s the Applause? http://tinyurl.com/nq6mbqn

ISIS ON THE RUN: Russian Airstrikes Totally Obliterate Terrorist Forces in Just 72 Hours

Russian Lt. Gen. Andrei Kartapolov said that “intelligence has captured that militants are leaving the areas under their control”, and, most importantly, he added that “panic and desertion have begun in their ranks. About 600 mercenaries have left their positions and are trying to get to Europe”. Due to this runaway success, Kartapolov said “we will not only continue conducting our airstrikes, but will also increase their intensity”


NGOs, The White Helmets, and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Information about civilian casualties in ‪Syria‬ appeared BEFORE Russian planes even took off – ‪Putin‬

Civilian Bombing Reports Emerge BEFORE Strikes Begin http://tinyurl.com/npek44f

Civilian casualty reports are given by George Soros’ NGO White Helmets: http://tinyurl.com/qbcxwvy

Who is behind Syrian Observatory for Human Rights? http://tinyurl.com/npk4g4d

Keep in mind that during the anti-Assad “regime change” hysteria of 2013, not one shred of hard evidence that “Assad gassed his own people” was ever put forward by the lunatic, fascist neocons and mush-head, neolib humanitarian bombers:

Did Assad gas his own people, or is this a false flag attack by the opposition? http://tinyurl.com/n9pkd69

Any attempts by the Western media to present “evidence” have usually come from utterly dubious sources like the unemployed office-worker Eliot Higgins of the Brown Moses blog:

Brown Moses: the British blogger tracking Syrian arms http://tinyurl.com/nmmtuzp

The tragi-comedy that is “Brown Moses” http://tinyurl.com/nknjcrd

Obama Accuses Russia of Going After America’s “Good Guy Terrorists”

Russia is being blamed for targeting a terrorist entity which is not only on the UN Security Council blacklist but which has ties to the Islamic State (ISIS).


US Complains As Russia Bombs its Terrorists http://tinyurl.com/oza7mrt

Washington Blasts Putin For Russian Strikes On “CIA-Backed Rebels” In Syria http://tinyurl.com/pdnj7ku

Anti-Putin Propaganda Begins: ‘Moderate’ Terrorists Complaining That Russia Bombed Them http://tinyurl.com/q5vk8hu

The destabilizers of Syria accuse Russia of destabilizing Syria http://tinyurl.com/q6aaarg

West Demonizes Russian Airstrikes in Syria to Justify Its Own Failure http://tinyurl.com/ouczg32

Newly-Declassified U.S. Government Documents: The West Supported the Creation of ISIS http://tinyurl.com/mdj26pn

NATO calls on Russia to cease Syria military strikes http://tinyurl.com/oqf7r9t

Western spin machines functioning at full capacity on Syria http://tinyurl.com/o7v8ndv

Max Abrahms: The Pentagon suspended the train & equip program because we couldn’t find moderates. But now we’re told moderates abound & are under attack.


The Saudis are furious at Russia for bombing their “moderate” terrorists:


Gulf states plan military response as Putin raises the stakes in Syria http://tinyurl.com/pqc6cyn

John McCain is, of course, completely insane:

McCain: Arm Syrian rebels to shoot down Russian planes.

Scandal: John McCain is ashamed of America, supports fascists and terrorists


There is no difference between McCain’s “moderate” terrorist friends and ISIS – none! McCain is very much part of the problem. This is why Russia has to clean this mess up, because after the US enables ISIS to take over Syria, they will be in Russia! Thank God McCain is not President!

And thank God for Russia!

#Lavrov: We are not planning to expand airstrikes to Iraq, we weren’t asked; we are #politepeople

Peter Lavelle: Finally we are witnessing the first steps beyond the post-Cold War order – and praise God for this! For the last two decades Washington has been sloppy and arrogant in its foreign policy all over the world. It has acted like a criminal – like when the police are on strike or non-existent. The Syrian civil war (encouraged by the west) and the migrant/refugee crisis intentionally or unintentionally created by the west are clear examples of this. Russia’s enhanced intervention in Syria (at the invitation of the Damascus government) is a game changer. Washington and its minions need to stop playing God and return to environment of diplomacy and negotiations.

TWSP/UFAA Morning Briefing for Friday, October 2, 2015 http://twsp.us/briefing/20151002

Keep Saying No to War Against Russia!

no war ukraine

No matter how many times the American people say no to regime change in Syria through “limited military action with no boots on the ground” (in other words – WAR) the warmongers in both parties never give up.

The same applies to war against Russia (in other words – World War III). The American people do not under any circumstances want to declare war on Russia for the benefit of an ethno-Nazi Lvov-Kiev statelet run by a CIA-installed junta.

But is that what Congress is actually doing as we speak?

Behind the White House’s political smokescreen in Ferguson and New York, US lawmakers were busy sliding through a pre-declaration of war against Russia.

Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich warns about the House’s reckless adoption of the HR 758: “NATO encirclement, the US-backed coup in Ukraine, an attempt to use an agreement with the European Union to bring NATO into Ukraine at the Russian border, a US nuclear first-strike policy, are all policies which attempt to substitute force for diplomacy.”

US Declares War on Russia, from 21st Century Wire:


H.Res.758 – Strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination:


Pepe Escobar: THE US CONGRESS HAS DECLARED WAR ON RUSSIA. I can’t emphasize enough how terrifying – and stupid – this is. And now it’s official. House Resolution 758 was approved yesterday by an overwhelming, bipartisan 411-10 score at the US Congress.

This resolution, rushed to a vote only two weeks after it was introduced, depicts Russia as an “Aggressor Nation” which has invaded Ukraine and was behind the downing of MH-17. The resolution virtually calls for war on Russia.
Take a very good look at the language:
The President of the United States, in consultation with the US Congress, must “conduct a review of the force posture, readiness, and responsibilities of the United States Armed Forces and the forces of other members of NATO to determine if the contributions and actions of each is sufficient to meet the obligations of collective self defense under article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty and to specify the measures needed to remedy any deficiencies.”
Translation: the US Congress wants the Empire of Chaos to use NATO’s collective security doctrine under article 5 (an attack on one member is an attack on all members) to advance a war on Russia, even though Ukraine is not a member (but will soon become a major non-NATO ally).
The resolution now goes to the Senate. If it becomes law, the resolution allows the President of the United States to declare war on Russia bypassing the formal permission of Capitol Hill.

See the vote breakdown here:


Only 10 Members of Congress Opposed Bill Pushing for War with Russia:


The worst part is, many of them don’t even bother reading bills like this:


Call or email Congress. Let them know that we the people do not agree to fight a war against Russia (a country which has shown no hostility towards the United States) nor do we agree to support the Kiev fascist clique!

Find Your Representative:


Contacting Senators:


Freedom Fries are never free! Tell Congress that instead of declaring war on Russia, we could try the old trick of renaming food again. Here are some suggestions:

Borscht could be renamed freedom soup, vodka could become spirits of libertycaviar could be Pussy Riot eggsand Beef Stroganoff could be Beef Bandera!

Also let them know that we do not buy into the propaganda myths used by the government and the media to bring us back into a Cold War based solely on Russophobia.

These anti-Russia myths include:

Myth #1 – It is in America’s national security interests to weaken Russia. Russia is our enemy and always has been.

Stephen Cohen: “So for saying this, I’m called a Putin apologist. These people have no understanding. They don’t care about real national security. So I’m the patriot. I’m the one who cares about American national security. And all they’re doing is the old kind of McCarthy-ite red baiting.”

The American Who Dared Make Putin’s Case:


No, Russia has not always been America’s enemy. More often than not, we have been friends. Let’s take one example from history that very few people know about.

Tarpley’s 2013 CSPAN Lecture on Russian Fleets of 1863:

CrossTalk – Russophobia:

Modern Russophobia

Russophobia II: a vague and confused sense of paranoia

Myth #2 – Putin is an evil dictator who wants to invade Europe and establish a new USSR.

We’ve all heard politicians and media talking heads tossing around the quote from Putin that he wants to restore the USSR, but here is the actual quote:

“Anyone who doesn’t regret the passing of the Soviet Union has no heart. Anyone who wants it restored has no brains.” – Vladimir Putin.

Abysmal War Propaganda. Falsehoods in the New York Times – Mr. Putin Tests the West in Ukraine:


Vox Populi – Readers Comments Show anti-Putin Propaganda Not Working:


The Crimea Referendum – Why You Probably Shouldn’t Care:

The Crimea referendum: why you probably shouldn’t care

Here’s a balanced and informed analysis of Vladimir Putin which claims that he is “neither the defiant counterweight” to Anglo-American dominance, nor the “Putler” of Euromaidan fantasy. I don’t completely agree with this analysis / critique, but it’s definitely worth a read:

Sorry America, Ukraine isn’t all about you:

You can see it in the aftermath of the Odessa fire massacre that killed over 40 pro-Russian separatists: It shut up even Navalny. The liberal-yuppie elites’ momentum is over. Putin’s popularity among the rest of the country has never been higher. So if Putin is neither the defiant counterweight hero or the neo-Stalinist imperialist, but rather playing a Russian version of vicious Nixon politics, what should the West do? That’s easy: Stay the Hell out of Russia’s way for a while…


Putin ‘like Hitler’? How did Prince Charles get it so wrong?:

A more pro-active Russian ruler would have sent troops to Kiev a long time ago. Thus did Czar Alexis when the Poles, Cossacks and Tatars argued for it in 17th century. So also did Czar Peter the Great, when the Swedes occupied it in the 18th century. So did Lenin, when the Germans set up the Protectorate of Ukraine (he called its establishment “the obscene peace”). So did Stalin, when the Germans occupied the Ukraine in 1941.


How I know that V. V. Putin isn’t Hitler:

Hitler grabbed territory and made war and committed genocide in order to grab territory. Putin has grabbed territory in order to keep what he has. Putin has fought to hold on to South Ossetia, Dagestan and the Russian naval port of Sevastopol because neither he nor anyone else in Russia can see where the continuous slicing away of Russian influence will end. Russia thinks this way in no small part because they were on the receiving end of Hitler’s Drang nach Osten.

Putin may treat gay people as badly as they’re treated in Alabama, and he may be an autocratic White Tsar. He’s no Yeltsin, but he surely isn’t Hitler.


Myth #3 – There are no Nazis in Ukraine. The Maidan coup was a popular, grassroots movement.

Brzezinski Mapped Out the Battle for Ukraine in 1997:

Understanding Brzezinski’s long-term view of Ukraine makes it easier to comprehend why the US has given $5 billion to Ukraine since 1991, and why today it is hyper-concerned about having Ukraine remain in its sphere of influence. It may also help explain why in the past year the US and many of its media outlets have feverishly demonized Vladimir Putin.

Brzezinski: “Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard, is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire.”

Brzezinski wrote that US policy should be “unapologetic” in perpetuating “America’s own dominant position for at least a generation and preferably longer still.”


USAID Exposed in Cuba – What it Tells Us About US Subversion Worldwide:

Not only has Ukraine suffered because of this admitted US-backed political destabilization over the years, but as revealed by the Guardian and other sources, all of Eastern Europe has fallen prey to this brand of foreign-backed subversion, manipulation, and regime change.


There are No Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. And the Obama Administration does not support Fascists:


Washington Fuels Rise of Neo-Nazism and Anti-Semitism in Ukraine. The Role of John McCain:


The Odessa Massacre – May 2, 2014:

The Odessa Massacre

Ukraine Crisis Today – Democracy caught on camera:

Ukraine Crisis – What You’re Not Being Told:

The ground will burn under their feet!

Myth #4 – Kiev is trying to free eastern Ukraine from the Russian invaders.

Death and destruction in Eastern Ukraine – in their own words:

In the Words of the Eastern Ukrainians

Watch this video and hear the voices of Ukrainian people, both from the east and the west:

Ukraine Crisis – Death and destruction continues in Eastern Ukraine / Хунта убивает людей. [ENG SUB]:

Former Ukrainian PM Elena Bondarenko’s Open Letter to the Citizens of the World:

Alexander Turchinov the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament, deprived me of the right to speak from the podium as a member of the opposition Party of Regions, only for this: I declared “Any power that commissions its army to bomb its peaceful cities, is criminal.” After which, he magnanimously gave the radical parliamentarians the option to call for shooting the opposition.

The everyday life of an opposition deputy is this: constant threats, unofficial ban from the airwaves, targeted persecution. Everyone who calls for peace is immediately branded as an enemy of the people, just as in 1930’s Germany, or in McCarthyite US.


Ten ways you can tell if Russia has invaded Ukraine or not:


Myth #5 – Joining the EU and accepting IMF loans is Ukraine’s best chance to develop into a free, democratic and prosperous nation.

If you really believe this, well… think Greece!

What is the “European way of life”? For the working class, not just in Greece but across the continent, it means social misery—drastic cuts in jobs, wages, public services and living conditions—to satisfy the demands of the same banks, financial institutions and corporate giants that were responsible for the economic meltdown that erupted in 2008.


Will the IMF Bailout Turn Ukraine Into Another Greece?:


Ukraine Can’t Afford the IMF’s Shock Therapy:

Ukraine Can’t Afford the IMF’s ‘Shock Therapy’

Crimean leaders blame Kiev for selling Ukraine off for IMF loans:

…the country’s entire gas pipeline system will be handed over for free in the American company Chevron’s ownership the moment the basic agreement is signed, while the owners of the Mariupol, Zaporizhzhya and Dnipropetrovsk steel mills will be obliged to surrender their 50% stakes to Germany’s Ruhr. The Donbass coal industry will be handed over to Ruhr’s subsidiary in Finland…

Gas prices for municipal companies will have to be increased by 50% and for private will double. Electricity tariffs will be raised by 40%, housing utility tariffs will be raised, too, gasoline excises will go up 60% and transportation tariffs 50%, while state support for childbirth will be cancelled, the free distribution of textbooks will be annulled at schools and the VAT relief will be scrapped in rural regions…

“VAT will be introduced on medications, which will push up prices and bring citizens’ living standards down,” Kovitidi said.

“The planned annulment of the moratorium on the sale of farmland looks appalling. The selloff of Ukraine’s black soil zone, including to foreign countries, may have disastrous economic and social consequences,” she said.


With friends like the IMF and EU, Ukraine doesn’t need enemies:

You can’t destroy an economy in order to save it.


Medicine and Meat Out of Reach Amid Ukrainian Price Shock:

The plight of Zhytomyr’s 270,000 residents shows how bailout-mandated austerity and the strains of an eight-month insurgency are playing out in everyday life.

“Glory to Ukraine?” said Valya, 76, referring to a slogan of the street uprising. “Glory for what? Higher prices? The war? We’re just tolerating the authorities.”


Ukraine’s healthcare system in crisis:


About 100,000 teachers in Ukraine may lose jobs due to new government’s austerity program:


Here is the reality:

– Ukraine is none of our business. It’s very far away and the US has no national interests connected with Ukraine.

– Ukraine is Russia’s business. It borders Russia.

– Ukraine is the victim of a fascist coup. America and Russia agree (and have always agreed) on the topic of fascism: it’s bad.

– Ukraine is not worth risking a military confrontation with Russia (a nuclear power) over. It’s called World War III: it’s a bad idea.

– Ukraine is not worth the blood of even a single American soldier.

– If anything, we should be supporting Russia as an ally against fascism!


Ukraine – Fascist Dictatorship Masquerading As Democracy:


Why Everything You’ve Read about Ukraine is Wrong, from Forbes:


25 Recent Events in Ukraine the U.S. Wants You To Forget:


Chances are, if you’re reading this and it’s the year 2014, the economy of your own country is in serious trouble. Contact your elected representatives and tell them to butt out of Russia’s business and get to work on an economic recovery plan for your country.



Meanwhile in Michigan – The Rev. Pinkney Case:

Meanwhile in Michigan… a Human Rights Violation You May Have Missed!



No to War, Hot or Cold, with Russia:


Petition to Keep Ukraine out of NATO:


Act Now to Avoid War over Ukraine! To President Obama:


Halt Momentum Toward War in Ukraine:


Tell the White House and Congress: No support for neo-Nazis in Ukraine!


Americans should not go abroad to slay dragons they do not understand in the name of spreading democracy.

“Whenever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will be America’s heart, her benedictions and her prayers. But she does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the wellwisher to freedom and independence for all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She well knows that by once enlisting other banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extridition, in all wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom….She might become the dictress of the world but would no longer be ruler of her own spirit… Americans should not go abroad to slay dragons they do not understand in the name of spreading democracy.”
– John Quincy Adams

A Russian Grandma’s Advice to Obama:

CIA’s Chechen Terrorists AKA “ISIS” Attack in Grozny as Putin Gives Key Address in Kremlin:

CIA’s Chechen Terrorists AKA “ISIS” Attack in Grozny as Putin Gives Key Address in Kremlin; Allen-Petraeus Clique Demands Attack on Assad; Obama Names Utopian Ashton Carter to Head Pentagon; “No Jobs, No Peace”: US Needs 10 Million WPA-Style Youth Jobs as Exemplified by Marion Barry; Corrupt Officials in Benton Harbor, Michigan Face Jail Time as Pinkney Sentencing Nears

Syria: Whose side are the Christian politicians of the USA on?

Image“Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani” (“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me”)

We already know where Russia, China, the Pope, and most of the world stand on the issue of Syria, but what about Europe and America? Supposedly Christian America?

Who will we help?

a) The al-Qaeda death squad rebels?


b) The only Christian communities on Earth who speak the language of Jesus Christ? They are currently protected by the Assad regime.

Syrian rebels murdering Christians – George Galloway: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUUnjvqkGZ0

RT/ Maaloula: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t2r4Hw_H40

Maaloula : RT crew in crossfire of Syrian army vs extremists: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7Npog6s4F4

Religiously, the population consists of both Christians (mainly Antiochian Orthodox and Melkite Greek Catholic) and Muslims.

…it is the only place where a dialect of the Western branch of the Aramaic language is still spoken. Scholars have determined that the Aramaic of Jesus belonged to this particular branch as well.



Orthodox Christians? Perhaps this could be one more reason why the Russians are supporting the Assad government. Maybe they don’t want to see their Orthodox brothers and sisters slaughtered mercilessly by death squad rebels. Maybe they’ve asked themselves the question, “what would Jesus do?” Or perhaps they’re just still waiting to see any evidence at all that Assad is responsible for the chemical weapon attack!

The town of Maaloula or Malula: 

Malula — Aramaic for “entrance” — derives its name from a legend that evokes the town’s separate religious heritage. St. Takla, a beautiful young woman who had studied with St. Paul, is said to have fled from her home in what is now Turkey after her pagan parents persecuted her for her newfound Christian faith. Arriving in Malula, she found her path blocked by a mountain. She prayed, and the rocks divided in two, a stream flowing out from under her feet.

“We teach the children the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic,” said one black-clad nun


“In Nazareth when Jesus was born they spoke more or less the same language as we do in Maaloula today,” said teacher Imad Reihan, one of the pillars of this picturesque village’s Aramaic Language Academy, where Barqil is studying.

“Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani” (“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me”) – Christ’s lament on the cross – was famously uttered in Aramaic.

Recognised by Unesco as a “definitely endangered” language, Aramaic is spoken by 7,000 people in Maaloula, dominated by Greek Catholics (Melikites) whose churches and rites long pre-date the arrival of Islam and Arabic. Western Neo-Aramaic, to use its proper linguistic title, is spoken by about 8,000 others in two nearby villages, one now wholly Muslim.



ImageMaaloula, Syria: under siege by the death squad rebels.

Where do America’s “happy-clappy” Christian leaders stand?

Senator Lindsey Graham

As a conservative, I have always believed we can and should be better stewards of God’s creation.

“In my state, the evangelical Christian community, the church community, the faith community is listened to,” Graham said.

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/sen-graham-urges-religious-groups-to-rally-support-for-foreign-aid-to-combat-aids-95980/#GwMhY9Ydxee6bzOJ.99

But the Christian community in Syria isn’t listened to as closely.

Senator Graham believes we should support the al-Qaeda rebels who would mass murder these Christians. And since almost nobody in South Carolina goes along with this, he has ramped up the fear-mongering to incredible levels by claiming that if we don’t bomb Syria, South Carolina will be nuked!


Senator John McCain

Many of you have asked about John McCain’s faith. John McCain is a strong Christian, but he believes that, in the context of the campaign, his faith is a personal issue.


He must be keeping it very personal this time. No WWJDs over here!



Maybe he’s too busy with his iPhone poker game to look into who he’s supporting.



President Barack Obama

Of course, President Obama is a Christian. Who could doubt that?

I’m a Christian by choice. My family didn’t – frankly, they weren’t folks who went to church every week. And my mother was one of the most spiritual people I knew, but she didn’t raise me in the church. So I came to my Christian faith later in life, and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead – being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me. I think also understanding that Jesus Christ dying for my sins spoke to the humility we all have to have as human beings, that we’re sinful and we’re flawed and we make mistakes, and that we achieve salvation through the grace of God. But what we can do, as flawed as we are, is still see God in other people and do our best to help them find their own grace. That’s what I strive to do. That’s what I pray to do every day. I think my public service is part of that effort to express my Christian faith.

— President Barack Obama, September 27, 2010


Well, Barack, I sincerely hope that the “precepts of Jesus Christ” lead you to express your Christian faith by thinking twice about bombing another country in another “limited operation with no boots on the ground.”

I hope you take a little time to consider the plight of your Christian brothers and sisters in Syria, and think long and hard about the forces you choose to support.

Perhaps you could even consider the opinion of the Pope and decide not to strike Syria.



Or you could do something really radical and LISTEN TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

Across the US, public opinion is clearly against attacking the regime of Bashar al-Assad for its use of chemical weapons against civilians. If he opened the windows at the White House Saturday, Mr. Obama would have heard demonstrators loudly protesting any US military attack on Syria. Protesters demonstrated in New York, Boston, and other cities as well.









