Tag Archives: stratfor

Non-Kremlin Sources on the Ukraine Crisis


There is the idea that if you argue in favor of the Russian perspective, or against the Kiev fascist clique/Euromaidan perspective, this means you have become a victim (or are a paid agent) of Russian propaganda, or the “Kremlin propaganda machine” as it’s often called.

This issue is a distraction, but it keeps coming up, so we’re going to address it here. People like this guy can’t formulate an argument based on facts and evidence, so they believe they can counter anything they disagree with by saying it’s from a Russian source:

Roman K: Try to do a little research (not katsap sources) and maybe you will learn a little history and reality… you are aware that muscovy is home to nearly half the world’s fascists & nazis, right? Many are putler’s buddies… You are aware that katsaps, including the main katsap, collaborated with hitler, right? You are aware that you are so full of katsap useful idiot propaganda, right?

Note: Katsap is a derogatory term for Russian used by Ukrainians.

We haven’t done “a little research” and don’t know “a little history” like you, Roman. We’ve done a lot of research and know a lot of history too. Perhaps it isn’t the Russophobic, revanchist, whine-fest version of history taught in Ukrainian and other eastern European schools, but it’s never too late for you!

Here are just a few of the non-Katsap, non-Kremlin-funded, non-Russian sources we use in our research of the Ukraine crisis and its connection to the political situation in Russia. Inclusion in this list does not denote endorsement of the individual’s overall views:

John Pilger: Australian-British journalist.





Propaganda Has Triumphed over Journalism, and the Consequences Are Enormous:


In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia:


Stephen F. Cohen: professor emeritus at New York University and Princeton University.



The American Who Dared Make Putin’s Case:


Patriotic Heresy vs. the New Cold War:


George Friedman: American political scientist, founder and CEO of STRATFOR.



Head of Stratfor, ‘Private CIA,’ Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was ‘The Most Blatant Coup in History’:


Washington was behind Ukraine Coup d’Etat, In Response to Russia’s Stance on Syria:


April 30, 2014; Dr. George Friedman – Thoughts from Ukraine:


Borderlands – The View Beyond Ukraine:


Dr. Webster G. Tarpley: American historian, philosopher of history, author, and journalist.



World Crisis Radio

Brzezinski Clan Color Revolution vs. Diebold Vote Fraud In New Hampshire:


Obama Is Zbigniew Brzezinski Puppet:


The men behind Obama – interview with Webster Tarpley:


Ukraine, so to speak, asking for it:


Metaphysical Doubts Concerning the Existence of Modern Ukraine, a 1918 Creation of the German General Staff:


Henry Kissinger: American diplomat and political scientist, former National Security Advisor, and Secretary of State in the administrations of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

Spiegel Interview with Henry Kissinger – Do We Achieve World Order Through Chaos or Insight?:


To settle the Ukraine crisis, start at the end:


Kissinger urges policy, not posturing, on Ukraine crisis:


Robert Parry: investigative reporter.


‘Group-Thinking’ the World into a New War:


NYT Is Lost in Its Ukraine Propaganda:


Who’s Telling the ‘Big Lie’ on Ukraine?:


The Putin-Did-It Conspiracy Theory:


Ukraine – the ‘new Hitler’ and the Vladimir-Putin-did-it conspiracy theory:


Dennis Kucinich: former U.S. Representative from Ohio, and candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the 2004 and 2008.



Is NATO’s Trojan Horse Riding Toward the Ukraine Spring?:


Dennis Kucinich Blames US Meddling for Russian Invasion:


Dennis Kucinich and Lawrence Wilkerson Expose US Role in Creating Ukraine Crisis:


Three Members of Congress Just Reignited the Cold War While No One Was Looking:


Paul Craig Roberts: American economist, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, and a co-founder of Reaganomics.



Western Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun:


How Can You Tell Whether Russia Has Invaded Ukraine?:


Washington Piles Lie Upon Lie:


Putin Just Warned The West It Faces These Terrifying Consequences:


Pat Buchanan: American conservative political commentator, author, syndicated columnist, former Presidential candidate, senior advisor to Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan, and an original host on CNN’s Crossfire.




A Foreign Policy of Russophobia:


Is Putin Worse Than Stalin?:


Ukraine’s Crisis, Not Ours:


Pepe Escobar: Brazilian journalist.



The IMF Goes to War in Ukraine:


Washington plays Russian roulette:


Checkmate Ahead – Russia Is Beating the U.S. In the Chess Game Over Ukraine:


The new European ‘arc of instability’:


Ron Paul: American physician, author, former Republican congressman and Presidential candidate.



What Does The US Government Want in Ukraine?:


Ron Paul slams US on Crimea crisis and says Russia sanctions are ‘an act of war’:


Ron Paul to Obama – Let’s just leave Ukraine alone!:


Udo Ulfkotte: German journalist, former editor for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and advisor to the Kohl government.


German politicians are US puppets:


European media writing pro-US stories under CIA pressure (VIDEO):


Leading German Journalist Admits CIA ‘Bribed’ Him and Other Leaders of the Western Press:


Oliver Stone: American film director, screenwriter, producer.


Oliver Stone’s New Movie – “Ukraine: The CIA Coup” Coming To A Theater Near You:


Oliver Stone on Ukraine Protests – “The Truth Is Not Being Aired in the West”:


Ukrainians are suffering from US ‘ideological crusade’ against Russia:


CIA Fingerprints All Over Ukraine Coup:


Ray McGovern: retired CIA officer, political activist.



Ukraine – One Regime Change Too Many?:


Europe will now think twice before following Washington’s orders – Ex-CIA Officer Ray McGovern:


Ray McGovern on Russia’s Humanitarian ‘Invasion’:


The Risk of a Ukraine Bloodbath:


Wayne Madsen: American investigative journalist, author and columnist.



The Secret Agenda of Ashton and Nuland Revealed:


The History of the Ukrainian-American Cabal Stoking the Euro-Maidan Protests in Ukraine:


Ukraine is a Neo-Con Testing Ground for Russia by Wayne Madsen:


Tony Cartalucci: geopolitical researcher and writer based in Bangkok, Thailand.



Russian Tanks in Ukraine? Consider the Source:


Ukraine – Nazis in Plain Sight:


NATO Hopes for A “Russian Invasion” of Ukraine:


Daniel McAdams: journalist, foreign affairs advisor to former US Congressman Ron Paul.



Fmr. Bush National Security Advisor – Start WWIII With Russia!:


Gen. Breedlove Announces More Aid to Ukraine Military, Denounces Russian ‘Militarization’:


Students for Liberty – The ‘Regime Change’ Libertarians:


US hypocrisy over Ukraine ‘absolutely stunning’:


Events in E. Ukraine ‘beginning of ethnic cleansing campaign’:


Noam Chomsky: American linguist, political commentator.




Red Lines in Ukraine and Elsewhere:


ISIS, Ukraine, and Gaza:


Chomsky and Kissinger – Don’t Increase US Military Involvement in Ukraine:


Noam Chomsky on the History Behind the Islamic State Group and Putin’s Actions in Ukraine:


George Galloway: British politician, broadcaster, writer.



The West is guilty of deep, laughable hypocrisy over Crimea:


The US is a Knuckle-dragging, Low Grade Moronic Culture:


Russia Has Every Right To Act In Ukraine (Video):


West created Frankenstein monster in Ukraine:


Peter Hitchens: English journalist.


Forget ‘evil’ Putin – we are the bloodthirsty warmongers:


Still not Getting the Point on Ukraine:


Beware of this nation steeped in blood and carpeted with graves:


We’re being dragged into a new Cold War by a puffed-up bullfrog (and I don’t mean President Putin):


Zbigniew Brzezinski: Polish-American political scientist, geostrategist, U.S. National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981.


Brzezinski Mapped Out the Battle for Ukraine in 1997:


The outrageous strategy to destroy Russia:
















Color Revolutions & Financial Warfare against Russia

Beware the Color Revolution!

I-Am-Ukrainian-Protest-Video   I am a Ukrainian… foundation-funded dupe!

It’s too late for Ukraine to take this advice, but not too late for Russia. Maybe it’s not too late for Americans and Europeans to wise up?

Head of Stratfor, ‘Private CIA,’ Says Overthrow of Yanukovych Was ‘The Most Blatant Coup in History’

George Friedman, who is the Founder and CEO of Stratfor, the ‘Shadow CIA’ firm, says of the overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych that occurred on February 22nd of 2014: “It really was the most blatant coup in history.” Friedman further says that “The Russian authorities can not tolerate a situation in which western armed forces will be [in Ukraine] a hundred kilometers from Kursk or Voronezh [in Russia]”, and that the goal of the U.S. is to “maintain the balance of power in Europe, helping the weaker party,” which he says is Europe. He furthermore says, “The United States considers the most dangerous potential alliance to be between Russia and Germany. This would be an alliance of German technology and capital with Russian natural and human resources.”



Stratfor – Ukraine Coup Plotted by US Over Russian Stance on Syria:

The head of Stratfor… insisted that Russia’s involvement in Syria was not the only reason for the Ukrainian crisis. However, many in Washington started to perceive Russia as a problem, the expert told the newspaper, adding that at that time the US decided to divert Russia’s attention away from the Middle East.


For those among us who are still confused about recent events in Ukraine, it is absolutely essential to read up on Zbigniew Brzezinski.


Brzezinski Mapped Out the Battle for Ukraine in 1997

Zbigniew Brzezinski: “Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard, is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire.”

“However, if Moscow regains control over Ukraine, with its 52 million people and major resources as well as access to the Black Sea, Russia automatically again regains the wherewithal to become a powerful imperial state, spanning Europe and Asia.” The former national security advisor to Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981 and top foreign policy advisor to Barack Obama, Brzezinski wrote that US policy should be “unapologetic” in perpetuating “America’s own dominant position for at least a generation and preferably longer still.” Brzezinski delved into the importance of little known Ukraine by explaining in his 1997 book, “Geopolitical pivots are the states whose importance is derived not from their power and motivation but rather from their sensitive location… which in some cases gives them a special role in either defining access to important areas or in denying resources to a significant player.” “Ukraine, Azerbaijan, South Korea, Turkey and Iran play the role of critically important geopolitical pivots,” he wrote in The Grand Chessboard, a book viewed by many as a blueprint for US world domination.


Brzezinski Clan Color Revolution vs Diebold Vote Fraud In New Hampshire, by Webster G. Tarpley:

It is widely recognized that Zbig has provided the playbook for Obama. David Ignatius made this relationship clear enough in his review of Second Chance in the Washington Post when he wrote: “The most intriguing part of Brzezinski’s book is what I would describe as the Obama manifesto. (He doesn’t call it that, but I don’t think he would quarrel with that characterization, either.) Brzezinski argues that the world is undergoing a “global political awakening,” which is apparent in radically different forms from Iraq to Indonesia, from Bolivia to Tibet. Though America has focused on its notion of what people want (democracy and the wealth created by free trade and open markets), Brzezinski points in a different direction: It’s about dignity.” (March 14, 2007) Zbig’s brand of dignity is the kind attained through secession, balkanization, and the creation of a weak petty state for each ethnic minority ­ starting with Kosovo and Chechenia. This is the mine of neo-Wilsonian demagogy that an Obama administration will exploit ­in the service not of peace but of US world domination and encirclement of Russia.




US-NATO Encirclement of Russia:




The US/NATO Enlargement Project

What would the United States do if a hypothetical Russian Empire were to incorporate Mexico or Canada into a military alliance? To ask the question is to answer it. Why is it so difficult to understand that the best way to start a war is to threaten a country’s vital interests?

US Policy of Isolating Russia and Expanding NATO Is a Dismal Failure


NATO: Who? Us? Encircle Russia? Never! We’re harmless little bunny rabbits of freedom!

See this link for NATO’s own “debunking” of the encirclement “myths”:



Is US-NATO Preparing to Wage War on Russia?:

The endgame is to weaken the Russian Federation, undermine its institutions, impoverish its population. Meanwhile, the US Congress has passed enabling legislation which provides a de facto green light to president Obama to declare war on Russia. Reports have also confirmed that Washington is contemplating “regime change” in the Russian Federation with a view to installing a more compliant government in the Kremlin.

According to President Vladimir Putin: “We see the tragic consequences of the so-called color revolutions and ordeals survived by the peoples of the states that faced these irresponsible experiments of covert and sometimes even… overt interference into their lives… This is a lesson and warning for us and we will do everything possible to prevent this from happening in Russia.”


The outrageous strategy to destroy Russia:

The whole thing is quite clear: the deployment of NATO’s forces around Russia was a preventive measure. If Russia’s reaction is to be defensive, it means that it is planning to restore its empire and totalitarianism.


Ukraine And Its Position on Brzezinski’s Grand Chessboard:

The choices provided to Russia by Brzezinski’s philosophy are between total fealty to the European Soviet and total irrelevance. No self-respecting nation would choose either of these two options for its future and this is a fact that Brzezinski is undoubtedly aware of. Thus, it is clear that the Russians are being faced with the non-choice that is the Brzezinski doctrine, a philosophy that, when put into practice, makes conflict virtually inevitable.


Should Russia accept Brzezinski’s plan?


Could we even see a Siberian Spring in the next year or two? That would fit in very well with the Brzezinski Plan, so don’t be surprised.

US Attempted Color Revolution in Russia?:

Russia is mindful of America’s intentions. Putin blamed illegal sanctions and manipulated oil prices for Russia’s economic woes. “They will always try to chain the bear,” he said. “And once it’s chained, they’ll rip out its teeth and claws.” “They’ll stuff it. And start to put their hands on its Taiga (Siberian forest belt). We’ve heard statements from Western officials that Russia owning Siberia (isn’t) fair.


Color Revolution – coming soon to a theater near you in Moscow?

How will the color revolution come to Moscow? It’s probably already underway in the form of Alexei Navalny’s Tea Party-style anti-corruption campaign, targeting yuppies, hipsters, neo-libs, techies, and “office plankton”:

Kremlin critic Navalny: To Moscow via Yale

The 37-year old blogger is the first Russian opposition figure who was partly educated in the US. Running for mayor is the high point of his political career thus far. “The Yale World Fellows Program is extremely proud” to have Navalny as one of their alumni, Cappello told DW. The US university supports Navalny’s hopes to foster democracy in Russia.

Incubator for future leaders

In August 2010, Navalny went for four months from Moscow to New Haven, Connecticut. At that time, he already was a famous Internet activist. The scholarship for Yale was a stroke of luck, he wrote in his blog. “There are said to have been around 1000 applicants for 15 places.” But it’s not only luck – his Yale grant also came thanks to recommendations from former chess world champion and turned opposition activist Gari Kasparov.

The Yale World Fellows Program has existed since 2001 and offers courses in philosophy, world politics and economy. It sees itself as an incubator for global leaders. The candidates are selected from a pool of successful politicians, businessmen and journalists around the world – people “whose biggest achievements are yet to come,” explains Cappello. Former Yale graduates like Berlin politician Sergei Lagodinsky confirm that Navalny fits that description. “You had the immediate feeling that he could become a leader of the opposition,” Lagodinsky told DW.

While others would try to brag about their stint at an Ivy League university, Navalny doesn’t make much of a fuss about it. In the CV he’s handing out as part of the Moscow campaign, the time in the US isn’t even mentioned. Navalny wants to avoid being branded as a pro-Western candidate.


Alexei Navalny – the next hero of democracy? “He’d make an excellent Fox News pundit if he added flamboyancy to his abrasiveness.”

Exploring the possibility of a ‘Russian Maidan’

The political front that will take to Russia’s streets has already long been identified. It includes the same brand of extreme “nationalists” and ultra-right groups seen overrunning Ukraine’s political order. This includes literal Neo-Nazis. One of the prevailing figures among Russia’s ultra-right is US-backed Alexey Navalny – billed by the West as an “anti-corruption activist,” who is in all reality a neo-fascist operating openly in the service of Wall Street.

Alexey Navalny was a Yale World Fellow, and in his profile it states: Navalny spearheads legal challenges on behalf of minority shareholders in large Russian companies, including Gazprom, Bank VTB, Sberbank, Rosneft, Transneft, and Surgutneftegaz, through the Union of Minority Shareholders… Navalny is also co-founder of the Democratic Alternative movement…

The Democratic Alternative, also written DA!, is a US State Department National Endowment for Democracy (NED) fund recipient, implicating Alexey Navalny as an agent of US-funded sedition. The US State Department itself reveals this as they list DA! among many of the “youth movements” they support operating in Russia…

That this funding is nowhere on NED’s official website indicates that full disclosures are not being made and that NED is engaged in clandestine funding.



Western Media Still Hiding Its Russian Darling Is a Racist:


Ethnic Slurs Haunt Alexey Navalny:


Navalny and Neoliberalism:

Navalny is a right-wing populist. No doubt. But I would submit he’s more of an American variety than a European facsimile. His xenophobia comes with an anti-elitist élan tinged with a libertarian distrust of big government. If Navalny ran in a US election, he’d find common cause with the Tea Party. He’d make an excellent Fox News pundit if he added flamboyancy to his abrasiveness.


See this intriguing article for a great (critical but realistic) breakdown of Putin’s Nixon-like turn from the “Petersburg liberals” to the Russian “silent majority”:

Sorry America, Ukraine isn’t all about you:


National Endowment for Democracy – “Ukraine: The Maidan and Beyond”

Ukraine: The Maidan and Beyond

Ukrainian ‘Protesters’ Backed by KONY 2012-style Scam:

The video, entitled I am a Ukrainian, already has over 3 million views. It features an attractive woman insistently claiming that the Ukrainian uprising is solely about freedom and democracy.

The origins of the video are not quite as ‘grass roots’ as is portrayed. The clip was produced by the team behind A Whisper to a Roar, a documentary about the “fight for democracy” all over the world, which was funded by Prince Moulay Hicham of Morocco. The “inspiration” behind the documentary was none other than Larry Diamond, a Council on Foreign Relations member. The Council on Foreign Relations is considered to be America’s “most influential foreign-policy think tank” and has deep connections with the U.S. State Department. Diamond has also worked closely with the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The National Endowment for Democracy is considered to be the CIA’s “civilian arm” and has been deeply embroiled in innumerable instigated uprisings, attempted coups and acts of neo-colonial regime change since its creation in 1983, including the contrived 2004 “Orange Revolution” that brought US puppet Viktor Yushchenko to power in Ukraine. Larry Diamond also played an instrumental role in the Arab Spring under the auspices of the NED, a series of supposedly grass roots revolts that were in fact organized and managed by some of the most powerful western institutions on the planet.


Russia Expects a Color Revolution to Follow the Destruction of Its Economy – Putin Warned of Threat in November:


Who pulls the strings of Femen and Pussy Riot?:


Webster Tarpley Breaks Down Arab Spring, Ukraine, & other Color Revolutions on Pittsburg Radio:

The Cold War Has Never Ended for the CIA:

The Cold War is over. It’s time to ditch all the Cold War agencies, departments, and entities. A good place to start would be with the CIA and USAID.


Lavrov says he has reasons to believe US sanctions aim at Russia regime change:

December 16, 2014 – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday he has serious reasons to believe that the United States is attempting to change the regime and destabilize the situation in Russia with the help of sanctions. “Some politicians don’t even hide it,” Lavrov said. “Of course sanctions hurt, but I don’t believe the sanctions will help the European Union. The United States ordered the EU to impose sanctions and frankly we have overestimated the independence of the European Union (from the US),” the minister said. Lavrov said sanctions could not be considered an “instrument of serious policies.” “Sanctions are a sign of irritation,” he said. Russia will overcome the West’s sanctions, which will only make the country stronger, Lavrov said on Tuesday. “Russia will not only survive but will come out much stronger,” Lavrov said in an interview with France 24 TV channel. “We have been in much worse situations in our history and every time we have got out of our fix much stronger,” he said.

Sergey Lavrov interview with France 24:

Regime Change: NPR is National Public Radio, or National Pentagon Radio?

NPR Propagandizes Against Putin, for Regime-Change in Russia:


If not Navalny, then who?

Mikhail Khodorkovsky breaks political silence, saying he would lead Russia:


What is Open Russia?

Open Russia was launched by Mikhail Khodorkovsky during an online conference held on September 20, 2014.

Open Russia today is about bringing together citizens living both inside and outside of Russia, who share the European values of a strong, dynamic, and forward-looking state founded upon effective democratic institutions and the rule of law. Open Russia will enable these citizens to communicate and work together, to make their voices heard, and to mobilise effectively in the cause of common interests and goals.

What is Open Russia?

Citizens “who share European values”? That sounds a little like Euromaidan – they talk about change, democracy, European values, working together and making your voice heard, and fighting corruption, but have no real program for economic prosperity.

But Open Russia also sounds like something else: the Open Society of George Soros!

George Soros is the founder and chairman of Open Society—a network of foundations, partners, and projects in more than 100 countries.


The Real Crime of M. Khodorkovsky:

With his new billions in effect stolen from the Russian people, he made some powerful friends. He set up a foundation modeled on US billionaire George Soros’ Open Society, calling it the Open Russia Foundation. He invited two powerful Westerners to its board—Henry Kissinger and Jacob Lord Rothschild.


George Soros – Running to Head National Bank of Ukraine?:





Gegen Russland – Soros & Brzezinski fordern ein Schlachtfeld Europa:


Here’s Conchita Wurst, another would-be color revolution operative, who has asked to meet with Vladimir Putin. It probably won’t help that she’s holding up a “Euro-Manezhka” sign! Manege Square is adjacent to Red Square in Moscow.


But notice the location of the Euro-Manezhka Twitter account! Hint: it’s not in Russia:


Ukrainians could get visa-free regime for EU Schengen zone by May 2015:

Success at last! That’s all the Maidan kids wanted anyway, right? To flush Ukraine down the IMF toilet, get the hell out and never come back? Sorry about your pension, grandma, but I’ve got a job interview at Starbucks in Berlin!


The Ruble Crisis of December 2014 and Gloating Hyenas:

As the ruble slides, many pundits point to Western sanctions as the cause. This is pure fantasy! The main reason is the falling price of oil. And where should we look for the cause of this? Let’s go back to last year and look at Putin’s support of Assad in the face of Western plans for invasion of Syria on the ridiculous pretext that Assad gassed his own people in a chemical weapon attack. Many Western leaders, especially in London and in the US State Department, were annoyed with Putin and his support of Assad, but only one person actually visited Moscow to threaten Putin in person if he wouldn’t back down: Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar! At the time, he issued thinly veiled threats of terrorist attacks at the upcoming Sochi Olympics, but are we now seeing Prince Bandar’s threats manifesting themselves in the form of plunging oil prices?

See World Crisis Radio for a discussion of this issue among others:

McCain – Saudis troubled Russia not Obama:

“It has nothing to do with any action taken by the President of the United States,” [the] Arizona senator said…



Prince Bandar threatens Putin with Chechen terror attacks:

According to a diplomatic leak detailing the Bandar-Putin meeting in Moscow on July 31, Bandar suggested that Putin’s agreement to abandon the government of Bashar al-Assad would lead Saudi Arabia to restrain its Chechen terrorist clients who have been attacking Russia targets for years. Putin reportedly grew furious, interpreting Bandar’s offer as a warning that the Sochi games would be threatened by terrorism if Putin didn’t comply, according to opednews.com website.



The Russian-Saudi Showdown at Sochi:

The Russian-Saudi Showdown at Sochi

Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria:

Prince Bandar, head of Saudi intelligence, allegedly confronted the Kremlin with a mix of inducements and threats in a bid to break the deadlock over Syria. “Let us examine how to put together a unified Russian-Saudi strategy on the subject of oil. The aim is to agree on the price of oil and production quantities that keep the price stable in global oil markets,” he said at the four-hour meeting with Mr Putin. “We understand Russia’s great interest in the oil and gas in the Mediterranean from Israel to Cyprus. And we understand the importance of the Russian gas pipeline to Europe. We are not interested in competing with that. We can cooperate in this area,” he said, purporting to speak with the full backing of the US.


Did Assad gas his own people, or is this a false flag attack by the opposition?

The Christmas Spirit of the Gloating Hyenas:

The Washington Post did not waste a second in gloating over the impending misery of the Russian people:

Sorry, Putin. Russia’s economy is doomed:


Paul Krugman:

The sneering hatred among the Russophobe fanatics at the Washington Post and the New York Times is shamefully apparent.

Russian Ruble Plummets Losing More Than 20% in a Day, Hitting New Dollar and Euro Lows:


Free Fall of the Ruble: Who’s Behind it? A Ploy of Russia’s Economic Wizards? Whose Chess Game?


Keep in mind – so far, actual prices within Russia haven’t gone up so much (certainly not matching the plunge in the ruble-dollar rate) which reminds me of the obviously manipulated price of silver and gold right now. $17 for an ounce of silver? Sure! Too bad nobody’s dumb enough to sell at that price. The other thing – the ruble has already stabilized somewhat. Now if Russia can put a stop to any new hot money attacks from abroad (ahem, George “I didn’t even know what a credit-default swap was” Soros) then I think this will pass and the big Washington Post “gloat-over-Russian-misery” party will have to be postponed.

Washington Post: Russians are doomed this time, don’t you think, Lee Corso?


Panchi Belaunde: It looks like a massacre. If you listen to conventional financial news, they’ll all tell you that you’d have to be insane to own anything in Russia right now—stocks, bonds, currency, etc. They’ll tell you that the ruble is in freefall, and that the dollar is the place to be. Appearances are deceiving but the numbers [are] not. As with any bank, one of the most important metrics in determining a central bank’s financial health is its level of solvency. Specifically we look at the bank’s capital (i.e. net assets) as a percentage of its total balance sheet. The US Federal Reserve only has a basic capital ratio of 1.26%. Talk about razor thin. (This is down from 4.5% just a few years ago). That means if the value of the Fed’s assets declines by only 1.26%, the issuer of the world’s dominant reserve currency becomes insolvent. On the other hand, the Russian central bank’s ratio is 12.5%—literally almost ten times greater than the Fed. Capital cushion is crucial because when the unsuspected happens, this is what can help keep you afloat. Another important metric is gold. It’s important to see the amount of REAL ASSETS that a central bank holds in reserve. We look at a central bank’s GOLD reserves as a percentage of the money supply, i.e. how much gold backs the money supply. In Russia, it’s 6.2%. And rising. Last year it was 5.5%, and the central bank is continuing to heavily stockpile more. How much gold backs the dollar? Precisely zero point zero percent: Nothing. With no gold and pitifully razor thin solvency levels, it really wouldn’t take much of a shock to topple the dollar. By comparison, the ruble is much better capitalized and actually has something backing it.


The Real Reason the U.S. is Targeting Russia:


Pepe Escobar: What else is new? Stupidity galore all across Western corporate media on Putin’s annual press conference. Example:


What Putin is not telling us:

Russia is not “losing their savings”, as Western corporate media gloats. Russia can always require foreign companies to relocate to Russia. Apple, for instance, may open a manufacturing plant in Russia. The recent Russia-China deals include the Chinese building factories in Russia. With a depreciated ruble, Russia is able to force manufacturing that might have been located in the EU to be located in Russia; otherwise these companies lose the market. Putin somewhat admitted that Russia should have been demanding this much earlier. The – positive – process is now inevitable. And then there’s a “nuclear” option – which Putin didn’t even have to mention. If Russia decides to impose capital controls and/or imposes a “holiday” on repayment of larger debt tranches coming due in early 2015, the European financial system will be bombed – Shock and Awe-style; after all, much of the Russian bank and corporate funding was underwritten in Europe.



Paul Craig Roberts – Russia To Unleash Ultimate Black Swan Against The West:

Paul Craig Roberts – Russia To Unleash Ultimate Black Swan Against The West


Russian Roulette – Taxpayers Could Be on the Hook for Trillions in Oil Derivatives:

The sudden dramatic collapse in the price of oil appears to be an act of geopolitical warfare against Russia. The result could be trillions of dollars in oil derivative losses; and the FDIC could be liable, following repeal of key portions of the Dodd-Frank Act last weekend.

Whatever happened behind closed doors, we the people could again be stuck with the tab.


We Are Headed For A Major Dis-location And It Revolves Around The Dollar:

“How should the U.S. deal with Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine? We should do to Russia what Ronald Reagan did to its predecessor, the old Soviet Union. We should drive them into bankruptcy by stabilizing the U.S. dollar.”

Simple question… who is we?


Forget ‘evil’ Putin – we are the bloodthirsty warmongers:

Stupid, ill-informed people nowadays like to compare Mr Putin with Hitler. I warn them and you that, if we succeed in overthrowing Mr Putin by unleashing hyper-inflation in Russia, we may find out what a Russian Hitler is really like. And that a war in Europe is anything but fun. So, as it’s almost Christmas, let us sing with some attention that bleakest and yet loveliest of carols, It Came Upon The Midnight Clear, stressing the lines that run ‘Man at war with man hears not the love song which they bring. Oh, hush the noise, ye men of strife, and hear the angels sing’.

Or gloat at your peril over the scenes of panic in Moscow.


Beware false flags to dupe you into war!

“This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.” – Plato

11 Signs of a False Flag


A Brief History of False Flag Terror

A Brief History of False Flag Terror

Americans Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror


Did Assad gas his own people, or is this a false flag attack by the opposition?

Did Assad gas his own people, or is this a false flag attack by the opposition?

Crashes of Convenience: MH17 Fully Exposed – The Shocking Truth About the Ukraine False Flag


Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17. It was Not a ‘Buk’ Surface to Air Missile


MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed “False Flag”


Framing Russia? Fabricating a Pretext to Wage War: Flight MH-17 and “Operation Northwoods”


US-NATO “Fast-Track War Plans”. After Failed MH17 False Flag, Washington Attempts Bold New Moves to Frame Russia


Russia’s Defense Ministry ridicules NATO’s photo-proof of invasion in Ukraine


Ukrainian Soldier Confirms: Ukraine’s Military Shot Down Malaysian MH17 Plane


Deleted BBC Report. “Ukrainian Fighter Jet Shot Down MHI7″, Donetsk Eyewitnesses


MH17: Nations Conspire To Keep Investigations Classified – Leaked Document Reveals


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