Tag Archives: debate

Lincoln’s Bloody War against the Moderate Rebels

bunker_fig09a   Lincoln: “The Yankee Nero,” Comic News, London, 1864

Abraham Lincoln is a butcher who attacks his own people. He is responsible for the blood of countless Americans and has to go. He declared a brutal war on the democratic, peace-loving opposition in the South. There is no end in sight to the bloodshed until Lincoln steps down or is removed from power. We can’t just stand idly by and watch the carnage as the death toll grows by the day. We have to do something!

Mr. Lincoln has lost his legitimacy and is no longer fit to rule!

017_Matt_Morgan_Comic_News_11_26_1864_Vampire_Lincoln   bunker_fig07a

Yes, that’s right! Not Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, but LINCOLN!

Assad Did Not Gas Civilians in Ghouta in 2013: http://tinyurl.com/pljw39s
Did Assad gas his own people?: http://tinyurl.com/n9pkd69
The Sarin Gas Attack Lie: http://tinyurl.com/owfqn5c
A Brief Guide to Western Media Propaganda For Syria: http://tinyurl.com/odbozsj

If you had lived in London or Paris during the time of the American Civil War, this is the Abraham Lincoln you would have known – not the great (or perhaps greatest) American President, liberator of slaves, preserver of the Union, proponent of the American system of economics, etc. The aristocracy of Great Britain (especially Lord Palmerston) and France were anti-Lincoln and pro-Confederacy, and there was a very strong sentiment among their ranks that Britain and France should intervene in order to stop the bloodshed and help the rebels gain their freedom from the tyrant Lincoln who was not only slaughtering his own people but was even cracking down on the once free press of the United States and exercising total government control over the media. As current US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power would say, Britain and France had the “responsibility to protect”.

Members of the Ku Klux Klan yell as they fly Confederate flags during a rally at the statehouse in Columbia   The moderate opposition

If all of this sounds very familiar – wait, there’s more!

You’ll never guess in a million years which nation actually intervened in order to stop this planned Anglo-French intervention. Go ahead and try anyway!

Did you say Canada? Sorry, guess again. That was the place where the British troops were waiting to swoop in and bring “peace and freedom”.

Mexico? No, not them either.

Japan? No, you’re thinking of something else.

Did you by any chance say Russia? Really? Russia? The evil Czarist Russian Empire? That’s insane!

What’s even more insane is that you would be correct! It was Russia – Lincoln’s only significant international friend was Czar Alexander II of Russia, and yes, they did intervene on behalf of the Union. If you didn’t hear about this in school, you might want to ask yourself why.

I highly recommend listening to Dr. Webster G. Tarpley’s excellent and scrupulously researched 2013 CSPAN Lecture on the Russian Fleets of 1863:

In 2013, the leader of Russia intervened to keep the peace yet again.

A Plea for Caution From Russia, by Vladimir Putin: http://tinyurl.com/orxslpr

LORD PALMERSTON’S MULTICULTURAL HUMAN ZOO, by Webster G. Tarpley: http://www.abjpress.com/tarpb4.html

The Comic News, Lincoln, and the Civil War: http://tinyurl.com/prkv99g

Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston: http://tinyurl.com/p8ttoca

Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston (1784-1865): http://tinyurl.com/plytyaz

Trent Affair: http://tinyurl.com/q2yeyhc

Europe and the American Civil War:

Much more serious was the situation that developed late in the summer of 1862. At that time, as far as any European could see, the Confederacy was beginning to look very much like a winner – a point which James Mason insistently pressed home with British officialdom. The Northern attempt to capture the Confederate capital had failed, Virginia’s soil had been cleared of invaders, and in the East and West alike the Confederates were on the offensive. Minister Adams warned Seward that the British government might very soon offer to mediate the difficulty between North and South, which would be a polite but effective way of intimating that in the opinion of Great Britain the quarrel had gone on long enough and ought to be ended-by giving the South what it wanted. Adams knew what he was talking about. Earl Russell had given Mason no encouragement whatever, but after news of the Second Battle of Bull Pun reached London, he and Lord Palmerston, the Prime Minister, agreed that along in late September or thereabouts there should be a cabinet meeting at which Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary would ask approval of the mediation proposal. (Implicit in all of this was the idea that if the Northern government should refuse to accept mediation, Britain would go ahead and recognize the Confederacy.) With a saving note of caution, Russell and Palmerston concluded not to bring the plan before the cabinet until they got further word about Lee’s invasion of the North. If the Federals were beaten, then the proposal would go through; if Lee failed, then it might be well to wait a little longer before taking any action.


Undeniable, glaringly obvious facts about the US, Russia & Syria that people need to get into their heads: http://tinyurl.com/qx5fbyf

Keep this little history lesson in mind the next time the media start another smear campaign against whatever evil dictator du jour finds his or her way onto the Pentagon hit list.

Terms like “the responsibility to protect”, “moderate rebels”, “humanitarian intervention”, and “evil dictator” are usually nothing more than doublespeak dreamed up by some PR agency. Ask the people of Libya what they think of the US / EU “humanitarian intervention” now that they live in the chaos and hell that followed the removal of their “evil dictator” from power.

If nothing else, consider all the taxpayer money wasted on these interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, just to name a few. You pay for all of this.

Ignore the consequences of endless foreign interventions at your own peril.

syrian-toddler   Rest in peace, little boy.

Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will recommend the general cause, by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself, beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. The frontlet upon her brows would no longer beam with the ineffable splendor of freedom and independence; but in its stead would soon be substituted an imperial diadem, flashing in false and tarnished lustre the murky radiance of dominion and power. She might become the dictatress of the world: she would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.


‘She Goes Not Abroad in Search of Monsters to Destroy’: http://tinyurl.com/qz4pfd3